Chapter 11 - "You'll see."

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September 15, 2:57am

"Soo, where are we going?"I ask. I have a feeling where we might go though.

"You'll see."

"I'm not sure I can trust you when you say that." I tell him back playfully.

"Well, just wait and see." He tells me.

I roll my eyes. Whatever.

Jake looks at me for a second like he's about to say something but really debating if he should say it or not.

"Uhh, Hailey, so I've been meaning to ask you this for a bit."

"Hm?" I raise my right eyebrow.

"Did you like Brett before?" He asks.

I want to laugh so hard it's to even funny.

He gives me a weird look, I'm guessing I look like I trying to hold in a laugh.

I sigh.

"Brett's gay."

Jake's eyebrows raise and his face gets red, I'm guessing from embarrassment.


"Don't 'what?!' Me, I thought you knew this." I tell him back.

"I didn't know that." He says annoyed.

"Why do you think I like him, I don't."

"Because Mila told me?" He tells me.

Wait. Woahhh wait. Now I remember, I never told Mila I liked anyone, and she Conastantly pushed me on about it. 'Who do you like?' 'Come on Hailey someone must've caught your eye!'. Actually no, no one did, except your brother. Which I know damn well I could never tell her. Although, I never told her I liked Brett, I guess she just made it up to make Jake go away or something?

"That's funny, I don't remember telling her anything like that." I look back up at him playfully smiling, "she probably made that up to make you go away, you can be really annoying sometimes".

"Haha, very funny Hailey." He rolls his eyes.

I notice where we're going.

"Seriously, back to that beach?" I sarcastically say.

"Yep." He nods his head looking proud. God what did I do to deserve this thing.

We finally get to the shore, it does look like a beautiful night.

"Oh yeah, how'd you manage to sneak out without anyone knowing?"

He looks at me.

"Oh yeah I just really good at sneaking out, I sure no one heard me."

"Righhtt, not even Mila."

I see him wince a bit.

"Well, so I think she did wake up abut went back to sleep, but it's whatever, she has um, sleepwalking problems. Uh yeah that." He says, stressing out.

"Jake Mila doesn't have sleep walking problems, I know that for a fact." A thought appears in my head, "Oh yeah, how'd you rememberwhere I live, you literally come like twice a year to my house."

"Uhhh, well, I may or may not have memorized where you live, don't call me a stalker I just-"

I stop him, putting my finger on his lips to hush him.


I instantly pull in for kiss.

I guess most of the night ended likes that since the rest was a blur, I guess I got pretty tired cause of how late it was.

September 29th, 9:44am

It hadn't been too long after cause Mila had started catching on to my behavior. Luckily I'm not at school right now to get bombarded by her questions on where I've been and why I won't talk to her as much anymore. And go be honest, I miss hanging out with her, and also, feel guilty, very guilty. I feel horrible going behind her back and getting with Jake. But I just don't know what to do.

I like Jake. Scratch that, I'm inlove with him.

A thought strikes me, how would Mila react? I can't just assume am I right? Like what if she doesn't care, or supports us. Now I want to know. I do have an upcoming sleepover with her, and I am going dress shopping with her for homecoming so. I could bring it up. But not in the way she'll know, like in the way she could never think, me and Jake would be a thing.

I suddenly get a text from Mila. It's about Jake, God why does everything have to be about him? It's making me go crazy.

She's telling me about how she Jake's skipping school and telling me about how this annoying kid in her class is asking for her number. She quote on quote saying he's desperate. Yeah I know him, Trent, Travis, trey? Oh yeah right Tristan, she used to like him in middle school, but Tristan broke her heart by rejecting her and ever since then she swore off boys, we'll that aged like fine wine. I think she did again after her break up with Brayden. I'll give like 2 weeks prior, she's gonna find some other boy to gush over.

Now she's playing 'hard to get' all because he simply didn't like her back on a fine Thursday afternoon in 8th grade. I don't think she realized she can't force someone to like her back.

I trace away from my thoughts when I hear faint knocking on my window, I turn my head, I'm sick and all stuffed up in my bed so I look up from my phone.

Damn, just when I thought my day couldn't get any..

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