Chapter 5 - A messy break up

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September 5th, 7:26pm

I sort of knew something like this would happen. The moment I saw Mila's boyfriend, well, ex now I guess, storm out of her room, I kinda guessed what had happened. I hate to be that person but I'm happy this happened, happy for Mila. Her ex now, Brayden, has always treated her like crap.

It started when they were dating, freshman year. Mila was always complaining that she'll never find true love, or get a boyfriend. Right after that, she met Brayden, I'll have to be honest, he's pretty attractive but I just felt something off about him, Mila would be telling me how much she loved him and how amazing he was, but I just couldn't see it.

All I ever saw was her crying almost every weekend because of how heartbroken she was to the fact that Brayden would be cheating on her. Unfortunately, Mila never seemed to realize that Brayden never loved her, and he was the type that everyone seems to call, a 'player'. I kinda guess when Mila would sometimes tell me the things he did.

She would say that he would call her a bitch, and always be so secretive, he'd log into her snapchat account and look through her texts, but never let Mila do that to him. She would also tell me how he'd always have his location off except when he was at her house and that he would be texting other girls and tell Mila they were his "cousins".

Whenever I told her to dump him, that's whenever we would start an argument, it would only ever be over these sort of things.

"Look it'll be okay, he was just one of the millions of bitches you'll pull Mila"

I glance over at Jake and give him a look, he clearly does not know how to deal with a crying sister.

"Jake, now isn't the time for jokes"

"It was a compliment Hailey" he says rolling his eyes


I turn to look back at Mila, she's practically having a mental breakdown, sobbing into her own arms. I walk over to her and squeeze her tight.

"You're okay, everything will be ok"

"B-b-but, Hailey, it was true love" Mila says, sobbing

"Uh.. it-" Jake looks over at me and he gives me a look as if Mila said something stupid, she may or may not have, but, she just hasn't realized yet.

"You'll find someone else soon enough" I tell her, giving her a reassuring smile.

Jake sighs and looks like hes about to say something he'll Regret.

"Mila, it'll be okay, just know I'm here for you" he pauses to look over at me "and Hailey"

Me and Jake hold eye contact for a few seconds, as Mila's sobbing blurs into the background, I instantly look back when Mila mumbles something under her breath.

Just as that happened I get a notification from my phone, I get off from Milas bed and pull my phone out from my pocket.

I read the text from my dad and my face grows into one of a disappointment, he's asking me to come home. I really don't want go home, I look at the time, it's 7:44, it's not that late, I wanna text him back telling him about the situation with Mila but then my dad sent me another text.

- Nevermind, Luke's coming over to have a sleepover with Zander, unless you want to I don't mind you staying over a little longer at Mila's if that's what you want, I had a feeling you'd ask.

I text my dad back telling him what happened with Mila, and that I'll stay longer. I turn my phone off and smile and look back.

Jake's staring at me with eyebrow raised and gives me a "What were you doing?" Look. I mouth to him saying "nothing" and Jake shrugs a little and looks back at Mila trying to comfort her.

Gosh, he's so cute.

"Hailey, c-can you stay over tonight?"

"Uh, sure, let me check with my parents real quick." I had a feeling she would ask this, but I mean, everyone needs their bestfriends at times like these.


Right, I was sure this was bound to happening soon enough, I couldn't be glad enough the fact that my sister and her stupid boyfriend broke up, it was painful to watch her being treated that shitty.

She may be in desperate pain right now and absolutely heartbroken but trust me, she will not regret this after, infact she mightve been mad with herself on why she hadn't dumped that douche sooner.

Hailey just agreed to staying over, good. Now I can talk to her and i won't be moody. it's not always that I'm moody, but most of time when there's nothing fun to do, I'm moody as hell, but now that Haileys here I'm more happy than ever.

Yes. She does practically live at our house, which is nice, cause I get to talk to her every now and then. Although she's mostly always here for Mila.

"S-so you can stay?" Mila says crying, her eyes are puffy and her lips are quivering. There's a line of mascara just falling beneath her eyes.

"Yeah, and hey it's okay" she says, comforting Mila.

Haileys so sweet, I want her so damn bad. it hurts to know how she likes another guy...

"Thank you hails, you don't know how much this means to me" Mila says, squeezing her hand.

I want to hug my sister, she looks absolutely miserable. But I just can't, its like something's forcing me to just sit here and watch her suffer, I don't want to.

"K look, let's go watch your favorite, Mean girls and I'll go get you chocolate ice cream, how about that?" Hailey asks smiling

"Aww, thank you hails sure."

"Mind if I join in?"

Hailey gives me an annoyed disapproving look, telling me to shut up. But I just smirk at her.

I have a feeling me and her will be getting close, in a sort of way I'll never know.

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