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A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...

Zara Judice was barely four years old when a man came knocking at her door, with words that would change her life forever, for better or for worse.

Her mother opened her house to a kind stranger, a man with a dark complexion and no hair on his head. He wasn't just any regular man, the mother knew. He wore a brown robe over somewhat of a beige kimono. On his belt rested a metal cylinder.

The mother led him to the kitchen table and served him some fruit. Then, she sat before him, ready to listen to the words she knew he had to say.

"You have a beautiful home, Madame Judice," the stranger said, "this planet is just as magnificent as the stories tell."

"I am very lucky to have married a man who lived on Pirro," she answered. "He died of natural causes."

"I'm sorry for your loss."

"What is it you've come to tell me, Master Jedi?" she asked, crossing her arms.

"Madame, I believe your daughter has the aptitude to become a Jedi Knight. Her midichlorian count is very high, it's just above average," the Jedi Master said.

"No," she said immediately.

He raised an eyebrow. "No?"

"No. Agreeing means I will never see her again. All of your Jedi have never lived a regular childhood, they barely remember their own parents! I can't have Zara not remember me," the woman said fiercely.

"You would know, wouldn't you, Chrysanthemum?"

She turned her head away from him and stared out the window.

"I'm retired, Mace. I don't fight for the Republic anymore," she said.

"I know." 

The Jedi Master rose to his feet and walked behind her quietly, and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"I wasn't sent only to recruit Zara, Chrys," he said.

She spun around and glared at him.

"I'm not going back! I was kicked out because I couldn't control my heart. I'm not going back!" she said.

"I'm not asking you to return to the Jedi council. I've come on behalf of the Senator of Pirro," Mace said.

She stared at him with shock for a short moment.

"What does he want?" she asked, with a newborn curiosity.

"He wishes for you to succeed him. You married his son and your resume is quite impressive. He is ill and will soon leave this world," he said.

"The senator wishes for me to succeed him?" she asked, her eyes wide.

"It would also mean you would see your daughter grow on Coruscant, were she to join the Jedi," Mace said.

Her beautiful red eyes lowered, calculating her options.

"She would have to change her last name and she wouldn't be allowed to know I'm her mother, correct?"

"Correct. Chrys, your daughter will grow to be an amazing Jedi. She will follow in your footsteps."

"I don't want her to. I want her to lead a normal life. I want her to be allowed to love," Chrysanthemum said.

"I know."

She sighed. She knew that becoming a Jedi had always been and always will be her daughter's destiny. Chrys had visions of her daughter saving many lives and she didn't want those lives to leave this world, just because she'd been too selfish to allow her daughter to become a Guardian of Peace.

It was little Zara's destiny.

She sighed and played around with a strand of red hair.

Mace observed her, trying to understand what was going on in her mind.

"Take her," she said finally, "she will become a Jedi like no other."

Mace nodded. "Will you take the job?"

"I suppose I will. But Mace?"


"Promise you'll watch over her? When I can't?" 

Chrysanthemum's eyes were filled with the worry that often plagued a mother's eyes.

"Of course. Once she comes of age, I will take her as my padawan," he promised.

"Very well. She will take the name... Lamar, after my brother," the future Senator of Pirro said.

"As you wish."

"Very well, my old friend."

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