Ch.3: The Love of a Mother.

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Two years had passed since Obi-Wan and Zara had defeated Kortonia Zorian, who turned out to have stolen hundreds of important Jedi scrolls that she had then sold for a high price.
Four Jedi Masters and their Padawans were sent to retrieve them, and they are still on the job two years later. Kortonia certainly had her ways of keeping her business protected.

Zara had recently turned 6 years old, which meant she had completely forgotten her mother, which meant she could finally meet her.

Indeed, one sunny afternoon, Master Windu had come to take her out of meditation class with Master Yoda. 

Whenever she got to skip any class, Zara was the happiest, so she hopped around happily all the way to the speeder. 

"You seem happy," Windu said with a small smile. 

"I am!" Zara said. "Where are we going?"

"I'm taking you to meet a very important person, Zara," Windu replied. 

"Reeeally?" Zara said. "Who?"

"You'll see."

Zara crossed her arms and pouted up at him. "But I wanna know now!"

"Impatience is not a good quality, especially for a Jedi," Windu said. 

He gently picked her up by the waist and placed her in the passenger's seat. He sat down in the driver's spot. 

"Seat-belt," he said, looking pointedly at Zara.

She huffed and grabbed the black strap. She pulled it over her chest and strapped herself in place. Once ready, she pouted and crossed her arms. 

Windu chuckled and drove out of the parking spot. He sped along the path. 

Zara watched as the lights and buildings flashed by at an astonishing speed. 

Before long, they had reached their destination.

"Come on, then," Windu said, helping her climb down.

Zara found herself in front of a gigantic, fancy building. 

"Whoa!" she said. "The person who lives here must be really reech!"

"Rich, Zara," Windu corrected. 

He lead her into the building. The guards nodded at him and let him through. 

They walked through halls and hallways. The place was absolutely majestic. 

Tall, white arches. Great, engraved columns. Huge, realistic statues.

Zara stared at her surroundings with large, questioning, red eyes. 

Finally, Windu brought her into a living room with beautiful, dark green couches. There were fancy paintings on the walls and crystal chandeliers hanging from the ceiling.

On the couch sat a beautiful woman, dressed with a long, dark blue, off the shoulders dress and a tiara with shiny, blue stones. 

When she saw Zara, her red eyes filled with joy.

She stood up to greet them. 

She shook Windu's hand and looked down at the apprehensive, little Zara. 

"Zara, this is Madame Judice. She's the Senator of Pirro," Windu said. 

Madame Judice knelt down in front of her and observed her with wonder. 

Zara stared at her with her big eyes. 

Madame Judice had bright red hair. It was cut very short, in a boy cut.

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