Ch.1: The Boy with Blue Eyes.

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Zara stared out of the window of the starship with stars in her red eyes.

"Is this space?" the four-year-old asked the tall man beside her.

Master Windu smiled. "Yes Zara, this is space."

"It's so pretty! Do all those stars have a system of planets orbiting around them?" she asked excitedly.

"Most of them, I suppose," Windu said.

"...Uh... Mister? Where's my mom?" she asked.

"You'll see her again. I promise."

"Ok!" she said, smiling up at him.

He smiled at her and then turned to face the window.

"Get some sleep," he said, "we'll arrive in a few hours."


Coruscant was a sight.

Tall buildings loomed ahead, windows shimmered, and speeders zoomed past, making quite a ruckus.

Not what little Zara was used to. Sure, Pirro had buildings, but it also had wide green prairies, mountains with pointy tips, and beautiful rivers and seas. On Coruscant, no nature was visible at all.

"What do you think?" Windu asked her, lowering himself to her level.

"It's very... building-y. And loud," she said, her eyes wide.

He smiled. She was very much like her mother.

Mace Windu and Chrysanthemum Judice went way back. They'd grown up as best friends in the Jedi Temple. They'd drifted apart when she started falling for the Senator of Pirro's son, whom she was charged with protecting.

They'd fought and fell apart as a result. 

Now he had a chance to continue her legacy. He promised himself that he would never fight with her daughter. He already felt a certain affection towards her.

"Master Windu," the pilot said, "we've arrived."

"Very well," Windu said, "come along Zara. I'll introduce you to the Jedi Temple."

The little girl followed the man down the ramp and she took in the Temple. It was probably the most natural building on Coruscant. 

Windu led her through the building and brought her to the Council room, where lots of adults sat in a circle

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Windu led her through the building and brought her to the Council room, where lots of adults sat in a circle.

Zara shrunk back. These people were very intimidating.

"Master Windu," Master Yoda said, "successful, your mission was?"

"Indeed. Madame Judice has accepted the position as Senator of Pirro. She will arrive to Coruscant in two weeks."

Little Zara wondered who this Madame Judice was.

"Very good, that is," Master Yoda said. His wise eyes moved onto Zara, who was holding onto Windu's cloak and trying to hide behind him.

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