Ch.2: A day in the life of a youngling.

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The little younglings were learning how to handle a lightsaber. They were all around four or five years old.

Jedi Master Yoda was proudly watching them evolve from small children into strong and wise masters.

Two children struck him as extremely promising.

One was a small, smart boy from Stewjon, a planet in the Deep Core. He wielded a miniature blue lightsaber and had his eyes currently covered by a helmet that was clearly too big for his head. He stumbled a little from its weight.

The child had blue eyes and light brown hair.

Yoda had noticed how kind and gentle he was with the other children, how smart he was on the tests, and how he managed to lift the spirits of his crying friends. He followed every single rule to the letter, as he feared that if he didn't obey, the consequences would be very severe.

His name was Obi-Wan Kenobi. He would grow to be a great master, well known in the entire republic.

The other was a girl of four, who had recently been brought to Coruscant from Pirro.

She was shorter than most of the children and she held a green miniature lightsaber, fighting against the small, circular, practice droids that tried to shoot the child they were assigned to.
The girl also had a helmet on, but hers snug on quite nicely.

Her hair was a reddish-orange and it matched her bright personality. She had warm, red eyes, and if you looked in them long enough, you could certainly see a small fire flickering within. A fire that fuelled her passion.

She was a proud, stubborn child. She never took no as an answer and often disobeyed direct orders to reach her goals. Being four years old, her goals mainly consisted in trying to grab a piece of cake, or maybe even sneak out of bed for a glass of milk.

Yoda was often the one to find her scuttling around the halls, lost. He usually simply smiled and helped her find the source of her search.

Her name was Zara Lamar. She too would grow to be great.

Yoda noticed how these two children were so different and yet, complemented each other perfectly.

He knew these two were destined for great things.

"Ended, practice has," Yoda said. "Time for lunch, it is!"

The small children turned off their miniature lightsabers and pulled off their helmets.

"Thank you Master Yoda," they said simultaneously, monotonously.

They children placed their lightsabers on the top shelves and their helmets on the shelves below. Then, they flooded out of the practice room.

In the mess hall, the children joined the other padawans. They sat at their regular table.
Zara sat next to her friend Obi-Wan, the child with blue eyes.

"Hi," she said.

"Hello," he answered.

"When's the food coming?" she asked, puffing out her cheeks as she slurped her juice.

"I dunno."

"You dunno ev-ery-thing."

"That's not true! I know lots of things because I read books!"

"Books are boring."

"They are not!!"


Zara and Obi-Wan walked down the big hall looking for their next class.

"Where is it?" Obi-Wan asked looking inside rooms.

"Wait, what class was it?"

"Galaxy Navigation."

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