Ch.5: The Gungan City

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They'd been walking for many hours when Zara noticed how the vegetation had changed. It was more moist in this part of the forest. They could hear some animals chirping, chittering, and hooting in the distance, and it was much darker.

"How much further?" she asked, exhausted. "We've been walking for hours, and I swear I've seen that rock before."

"Wesa goen underwater, okeyday?" JarJar said.

"And now we've gotta swim!?" she asked disbelievingly, looking ready to collapse.

Qui-Gon eyed her, amused and Obi-Wan sent her a look that said: "Come on, stop complaining".

"Okeyday," she muttered, huffing.

"Ah, my warning you," JarJar added, as he led them towards a lake, "Gungans no liken outsiders, so don't 'spect a warm welcome."

"Oh, don't worry," Obi-Wan said, "this hasn't been our day for warm welcomes."

"Hell yeah to that," Zara said.

Suddenly, JarJar leapt into the air, doing some flips and yelling out some sort of battle-cry.

"Ar, ar, ar! Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh!"

Zara blinked. "Show-off," she muttered. Obi-Wan smiled in amusement.

The three Jedi pulled some gadgets to breath underwater off their cloak sand placed them in their mouths. They slowly walked into the water, joining JarJar, who resurfaced.

Zara shivered.

"Cold," she mumbled.

"Yousa follow me now, okeyday?" the Gungan said.

The began swimming below the surface. It was very dark, so they couldn't see much. Zara noticed something that looked like a coral reef and the shadows of a school of fish.

When they passed the reef, she nearly lost her water-breather.

Before them stood an entire, underwater city. The houses were round and bright orange, with lights shimmering inside.

She was swimming beside Obi-Wan, and he looked just as surprised and mesmerized as her.

JarJar led them to the largest underwater-house-ball and... walked through the wall?

The Jedi followed him and, surprised, they noticed their clothes and hair were dry.

Ingenious, Zara thought, this sort of material keeps water out, but lets solid objects and organism go through. Damn, I want an underwater secret bubble base.

She, Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon pulled the breathers out of their mouths and clipped it on their belts.

"So good bein' home!" JarJar said. He turned to the Jedi and said: "Welcome to deh city of Otoh Gunga!"

The Gungans in the city gasped and backed away when they saw him. They started chattering quietly, suspicious of this new arrival.

"Oh, me gusa!" someone said.

"Hata-hata," someone responded.

The Jedi looked around. The inside of the bubble dome was heavily decorated with carved wood.

A creature growled and they saw a Gungan soldier arrive on a two-legged creature and stand in front of them. He yielded a spear that Zara assumed was electric.

"Hey, yousa!" he said to JarJar, "Stopa dare!"

"Heyo-dales, Cap'n Tarpals! Mesa back!" JarJar said joyfully, as if trying to make the soldier forget he was banished. He clearly didn't reach his goal.

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