Ch.12: Back to Naboo.

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They were flying away from Coruscant.

Anakin was in the cockpit, learning about the ship with the pilot.

In the meantime, the three Jedi were in the ship's council room, along with JarJar, the Queen, her entourage, and Panaka.

"As soon as we land," Panaka said, "the Federation will arrest you and force you to sign the treaty."

"I agree," said Qui-Gon. "I'm not sure what you wish to accomplish by this."

"I will take back what's ours," the Queen said.

"There are too few of us, Your Highness," said Panaka. "We have no army."

"And I can only protect you," said Qui-Gon, "I can't fight a war for you."

The Queen took a moment of silence before saying: "JarJar Binks."

"Mesa, Your Highness?" said JarJar, pointing at his chest in confusion.

"Yes. I need your help."

- - -

"Honestly, her plan isn't half bad," Zara said, as she and Obi-Wan sat in the cockpit, alongside the pilot and Panaka.

"Many Gungans will be killed, if they even agree to fight," said Obi-Wan. "The Naboo can't possibly ask them to fight their war for them."

"They'd all be fighting for the same planet, their planet," said Zara, shrugging, "as you said, they form a sah-ee-mbee-oont circle, I don't think they'd refuse to defend their planet, just because of some ancient rivalry with the Naboo."

"Symbiont circle, Zara, symbiont," Obi-Wan said.

"I have one battleship on my scope," the pilot interrupted them.

Zara and Obi-Wan turned their attention to the screen. A 3D model of a ship with a central spherical section surrounded by an incomplete ring appeared on the screen.

"It's a droid control ship," said Obi-Wan.

"Those things have amazingly accurate scanners. Chances are they've already spotted us," Zara said, frowning.

"We haven't much time," Obi-Wan added.

The ship descended into Naboo's atmosphere. They glided over the huge forest before finding a clearing to set the ship down in, where it would still be hidden by the trees.

Obi-Wan and Zara got off and started helping around, helping set up a quick camp and distributing blasters to the soldiers and whatnot.

After this, they established a meet-up point with JarJar and sent him off to do his part of the plan.

"JarJar is on his way to the Gungan city, Master," Obi-Wan told Qui-gon, as he and Zara approached him.

The Jedi Master was looking over the perimeter around the ship.

"Good," he said.

"Do you think the Queen's idea will work?" Obi-Wan asked.

"The Gungans will not be easily swayed," Qui-Gon said calmly, "and we cannot use our power to help her."

"I never understand those Jedi rules, about 'ethics'," Zara said making air quotes with her fingers. "We can convince people to do stuff that's good for everyone! Why can't we use that?"

"Because it would be unethical. We can't force people into big political decisions that advantage us," Qui-Gon said. "That would be abusing the power of the Force."

Zara hummed, unconvinced.

After a small silence, Obi-Wan said: "I'm... I'm sorry for my behavior, Master."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20 ⏰

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