Ch.10: A trip through the galaxy.

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Soon later, Anakin, Padmé, Shmi, JarJar, R2-D2, and C-3PO stood in the hangar, all the while congratulating the hero of the day (who was still very dusty and dirty from the race).

"Good goin', Ani!" JarJar said.

Padmé kneeled in front of him and pulled him in for a hug. "We owe you everything, Ani," she said.

Shmi lowered herself to his level and placed a large kiss on his cheek.

"Mom!" he mumbled.

"It's so wonderful, Ani!" his mother said. "You have brought hope to those who have none! I'm so very proud of you!" She kissed him again.

On the other side of the hangar, Qui-Gon and Zara were waiting for a disgruntled Watto to finish giving his money to some other gambler. He turned to the two Jedi, flapping his wings to keep himself in the air.

"You!" he pointed accusingly at Qui-Gon. "You swindled me! You knew the boy was going to win! Somehow you knew it!"

"How could we have known?" Zara said innocently. "We can't see the future!"

"I lost everything," Watto mumbled.

"Whenever you gamble, my friend, eventually you'll lose," Qui-Gon said. "Bring the parts to the main hangar. I'll come by your shop later on so you can release the boy."

"You can't have him. It wasn't a fair bet."

Zara felt her hopes drop. It hadn't occurred to her that Watto could double-cross them.

"We made a bet and we won!" she said. "Not giving us the winnings would be unethical!"

"I refuse to give you the boy! I won him fair and square from Gardulla the Hutt!" Watto said.

"And we won him from you!" Zara looked at Qui-Gon for support.

The wise Jedi Master crossed his arms and looked at the gambler.

"Would you like to discuss it with the Hutts?" he said. "I'm sure they can settle this."

Watto clenched his jaw and grumbled something under his breath. He knew he had lost. If they went to the Hutts, it was fairly obvious who would win the case.

"Take him," he sighed.

Qui-Gon smiled and nodded. And, without another word, he led Zara away from the blue-skinned toydarian.

- - -

Zara, Padmé, Qui-Gon, JarJar, and R2-D2 were finally back at the ship.

The two Naboo natives and the droid quickly made their way into the ship, away from the heat.

Obi-Wan made his way towards Qui-Gon and Zara, who still hadn't dismounted their mounts.

Zara grinned at him and gave him a quick head pat. It wasn't often that she could be taller than him. He playfully glared at her.

"Well, we have all the essential parts we need," Qui-Gon said. "We're going back. Some unfinished business. We won't be long."

"Why do I sense we've picked up another pathetic life form?" Obi-Wan said playfully.

Zara didn't take it very well. She kicked him lightly in the chest from her sitting position. He jumped away, but she still managed to hit him.

"It's the boy who's responsible for getting us these parts," Qui-Gon said seriously. "Get the hyperdrive generator installed."

"Yes, Master. That shouldn't take long."

"Come on, Zara," Qui-Gon said as he led his mount back towards the town.

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