Ch.6: the Nubian starship.

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"Mmm, dis'n lovely," JarJar said as they resurfaced.

"You're right, what a beautiful town!" Zara said, steering the bongo to the shore. "Alright, we're here, now what?"

The engine powered down and they stepped out, onto the docks. They walked to the capital and Zara, who was in the lead, stopped them and made them hide behind a wall.

"The city's filled with thousands of droids," she said. "The queen has definitely been captured."

"You're right," Qui-Gon said, looking over the wall.

"Ay, ay," JarJar said, "dis'n lotso electrocutive monsters."

Zara turned to JarJar menacingly.

"JarJar," she said, glaring at him, "you have to be quiet and careful. Onc single noise and I'll run you through with my lightsaber. Are we clear?"

JarJar shivered.

"Okeyday. Wesa clear."

"What's the plan?" Obi-Wan asked.

"We find the queen and save her," Zara said.

"Agreed," said Qui-Gon.

They started moving towards the palace, hiding behind the wall.

"Wait, that's not a plan- Hey, wait for me!" Obi-Wan said, rushing after them.

Hiding carefully in strategic places, they sneaked around the droids and headed towards the palace.

"There she is!" Zara said as they crept behind a gigantic statue made of green marble.

"Is she held captive?" Obi-Wan inquired.

Zara looked behind the wall again and pulled back. "Yes. She and her entourage are surrounded by eight droids, four on each side. There's a governor, her handmaidens, and some soldiers."

They crept forward behind a wall and found themselves below a balcony. The droids, the queen, and her entourage would pass just below it, so it was the perfect attack spot.

Zara and Qui-Gon pushed JarJar up while Obi-Wan kept an eye on the droids.

Then, Qui-Gon helped Zara up. Obi-Wan rushed to help out and pushed Qui-Gon up by his feet while Zara pulled him up from above. Finally, they both grabbed Obi-Wan by the hands and pulled him up.

"Alright," Qui-Gon whispered, leaning down behind the stone railing, "when they walk below the balcony, we'll jump down and attack. Then, we'll escort the captives to a docking bay."

"Let's hope there aren't many droids in the docking bay," Zara said.

They waited in silence for the droids and their captives to show and, when they did, they jumped down, activated their lightsabers, and made easy work of the droids.

JarJar climbed down clumsily saying "Whoops!" and "Whoo-hoo-hoo!" and Zara was surprised he didn't break a bone.

Qui-Gon turned to the captives.

"We should leave the street, Your Highness," he said.

"Get their weapons," the Captain of the Queen's guard said. The soldiers obeyed.

"Whoa!"  JarJar said, staring at the dead droids. "Yousa guys bombad!"

"Thanks, JarJar! Let's go!" Zara said, turning off her purple lightsaber and quickly clipping it to her belt.

The Jedi, JarJar, the Queen, and her entourage quickly walked into a large alley.

"We're ambassadors for the supreme chancellor," Qui-Gon explained.

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