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Chris sat next to Ezi who was on the bed, "everyone act natural!" Chris urged her friends. They heard voices coming from the hall and Shiloh was sent into a panic, her eyes moved around the room in a panic, "is somebody in my room?" The group heard Nick down the hall.
"Shit, shit, shit!" shiloh freaked, she and dalton scrambled around trying to look natural but her only idea was to grab his arm and sit themselves on the edge of the bed.

Right before the door opened Chris and Ezi went into a fake conversation while Shiloh grabbed both sides of Dalton's face and kissed him.
He wanted to reject and pull away but didn't, instead he quickly wrapped his hands around her hips, kissing her aggressively as the door opened.

"What the hell?'' Nick asked, Shiloh slowly pulled away from Dalton to look at the group standing at the door. "Oh my god we are So sorry," Chris said trying to act clueless, "oh, uh we were just looking for some privacy, you know?" Shiloh interrupted, putting her hand on Dalton's thigh and winking at Nick.

He stood there for a moment with an annoyed expression on his face, "I'd rather watch my parents do it." he stated, causing the girl to give him a disgusted look.
"But you should stick around, might get drunk enough to get you alone," Nick laughed and looked back at his friends behind him.
"The hell did you just say?" Chris shot up and folded her arms to her chest and approached Nick 'the dick'.

"I mean I could go for you too, even though you look like a clown!" he laughed in Chris' face, "Nick the dick huh? I'm more partial to kick the dick,"she smiled before kicking the absolute shit out of Nick's dick.
"Ahg!" he cried in pain before dropping on his knees on the floor, "oh shit!" Ezi laughed, "hey!" Nick's friends yelled, Chris grabbed Dalton while Shiloh grabbed Ezi and the four booked it. Quickly running out of the house, panting as they slowed down to catch their breaths.

"That was pretty quick thinking back there, right?" she said, looking at her friends as she smiled. "That shit was good!" Shiloh laughed with Chris as she caught up to Dalton while Ezi walked next to Chris. "I uh," Dalton stuttered as he kept up his pace,
"Oh crap, I'm so sorry I should've asked before I kissed you, I kinda panicked and went on instinct" Siloh kept grazing on her shoes, her roommate was jabbing Chris in the shoulder as they chuckled.
Dalton was relieved it was dark so the obvious blush on his face wasn't really visible, "are you okay?" shiloh asked, looking up at him with concern in her eyes.

"I'm fine, it's just I uh," he stopped walking to look at her, "I'm just sorry for what he said to you." Shilohs gaze softened, she looked over at Chris, "oh, whatever. You think I care what vineyard vines think? He should be so lucky." Chris said, shrugging before continuing walking.
Shiloh shared a smile with Ezi before nodding, she and Dalton quickly catching up.

The group had made it to Shiloh and Ezi's dorm first, Shiloh unlocked the door and invited the others in but just Chris went inside. Ezi continued her conversation from before with the girl, Shiloh leaned up against the door and looked at the boy in front of her.
Her eyes searching for something, anything that may show some emotion as to what happened between them and the boy from Nick's bathroom.
She needed some answers as to why she felt so drawn to him, why that energy she felt around him before was wrapped around her.

They didn't exchange any words, Chris left the dorm and gave Ezi a hug before pulling her roommate away with her. Shiloh stayed where she was and watched them enter their dorm, once she entered hers and closed the door Ezi was watching her with suspicion.
Shiloh gave her a dirty look avoiding how she knew exactly what she was going to say, she didn't know how to feel about what happened with Dalton, it was simply nothing. That's what she was telling herself, tomorrow will be normal for her, she wouldn't let anything distract her.

She got herself ready to go to sleep, sat in her small bed across from Ezi's and began reading the dark romance novel she had been running through the past few days. Played one of her many spotify playlists and slowly grew more tired by the minute, she shut her small light off and turned in her bed and shut her eyes.
Shiloh, struggling with falling asleep, went into her subconscious, looking for thoughts to stop so she could go deep enough to dream, to sleep.

She was falling asleep, she could feel herself turn over onto her back and took a breath, then the hairs on her arms rose up and she quickly shot her eyes open.
The air felt thick, dusty almost yet she didn't move, she didn't like whatever presence was in the room, strangling her.

She slowly removed the covers and tiptoed to the door, when she was greeted by the hallway she knew something was off, something about it was different and shiloh was quick to notice.
She looked down towards Chris and Dalton's dorm but saw nothing, she turned her head to the right side of the hallway and her breath got caught in her throat. Dalton was standing right infront of her, her eyes widened and her hand flew to her chest and she heaved for air.

"Dude, what the fuck are you doing out here?" she asked in a whisper, she was slightly creeped out that he just popped up out of nowhere infront of her.
He just stood in front of her, staying quiet he took a step closer to her, looking at her dark eyes.
He smiled at her and brought his pointer finger up to his lips, signaling to stay quiet and shiloh caught herself in awe and slowly nodded in response, swallowing not only the lump in her throat but the inappropriate thoughts running through her mind. Feeling drawn to follow him down the hall.

ALL OR NOTHING~ Dalton LambertWhere stories live. Discover now