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Shiloh watched as the family hurried, Dalton's mother pushed the washing machine against the door, "but why is daddy mad at us?" Foster cried before the yells of their father echoed from above. Their mother held her in her arms while Shiloh and Dalton jumped at every noise, heavy footsteps slowly made their way to what everyone assumed what the staircase leading them to where they are now.

A loud bang came from something heavy hitting against the door, everyone yelped, jumping in fear. Another loud bang, "mommy. Mommy..." Little Dalton looked up at his mother. "I can go into the dark place and find daddy." He said, Dalton tensed against Shiloh and leaned further into the shelf to get a clear look at what he was witnessing.
"No, its too dangerous." Shiloh yearned for the frightened mother, seeing how scared she was for her children and herself. "I can do it though." Little Dalton begged, BANG! "Okay, just be careful." BANG! BANG! The hit became more consisted, more aggressive. Little Dalton began pushing things out of his way, finding a dark corner to crawl into and quickly left to the Further.

Daltons brows pushed together in confusion, everything floating back to him, every memory from what wasn't a coma. BANG! Pieces of the wall came crashing down, Daltons mother quickly hid her youngest as the man on the other side slammed a fire extinguisher against the thin walls.

Dalton and Shiloh quickly stepped back as his mother grabbed onto the shelf they hid behind and pushed it in her husband's direction. Josh, Dalton's dad, grabbed onto his wife and forcefully pushed her to the ground. Shiloh began to hyperventilate, this wasn't any of her business and she didn't know why she was here, or why she was being tortured in someone else's memory.

Dalton stayed still, tears brushing his cheeks while his possessed father turned and saw little Dalton sleeping, already far into the Further.
The man slowly leaned to his left and picked up a hammer and kneeling down to his son's small figure, "No! Stop! What are you doing?" Dalton's screams were muffled. Josh lifted the hammer over his head as his wife begged him stop.

"Stop! What are you doing?" Dalton's throat gave up on him since his screams became scratchy.

"Dad, please, just stop." He cried, the girl hiding behind him didn't know what to do, she couldn't stand here and do nothing. She needed to help Dalton, 'all or nothing' she said to herself as Dalton's screams filled her ears. Shiloh grabbed the closest thing to a weapon which was a baseball bat with a signature sign across it, she ran towards the man on his knees and swung.
She hit his side, specifically his rib cage, causing him to stumble back in pain. The girl was so shaken up she too had fallen and realized they were no longer in the basement. Dalton's dad quickly overpowered her and got on top of her and wrapped his hands around her throat, the pressure immediately caused her to panic. Shiloh scratched at his arms then at the flesh on his hand, clawing until she felt blood cover her fingertips in hopes he would stop.

She started to cry as she scratched, her head began to feel lighter than she liked and she knew this would almost be over. She looked back up and it was a woman now on top of her, cold skin pressing against her neck. Shiloh screamed as loud as she could when suddenly her body jolted up as she felt it to all have been a dream. A song began to play as she realized her cheeks were now damp from tears, she looked around her surroundings as her hands messages her soon to be bruised neck. Dalton lay only about a foot away from her, unconscious.

Scurrying over to him her hands quickly went to hold his cheeks before she leaned into his chest for a heartbeat. Right as her ear touched his shirt Dalton began gasping for air, as he too, was now looking at his surroundings. Shiloh brought her finger to her lips, signaling for him to stay silent as they slowly stood and looked around. They seemed to be in a sort of mansion, it was dark and the only lights around were red and purple. Fog began to seep in and a bright spot light shined on the pair, causing them to stumble back and it continued to sway while an old fashioned song echoed through the room. First the light showed a manikin of a small child before the memory of Dalton falling off a ladder flashed in front of them.

Then it moved to reveal two manikins whom Shiloh assumed were his parents, leaning down at the child-like manikin. BAM! It was like a migraine, white light booming before showing little Dalton laying in a hospital bed.
Then another, and another, memories of the child being pushed right at them until that stumbled back from the sight. Just to be greeted by the same monster that had attacked them before, back at the college.

Shiloh opened her eyes, staring up at the ceiling in Dalton's dorm room. She couldn't move her body however she quickly lifted her head and saw Dalton still not awake except his body was in a downward cross position. 'Fuck me' she thought, this wasn't good and she knew it.
The sound of Dalton inhaling sharply let her know he was back, except she didn't dare move considering she knew she couldn't, this wasn't right.

ALL OR NOTHING~ Dalton LambertWhere stories live. Discover now