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Chris finally became conscious, groaning in pain while slowly looking up at Dalton who was standing above her. "Dalton. What?" She whispered, the boy simply just stared at her, some dark liquid rested on his chin. His glowing eyes bored into hers which had begun to fill with tears, the pace of her breathing quickened. Chris' thoughts were racing, trying to come with what would get her out of her the quickest. The sound of Dalton's shallow breathing as he wrapped a cord tightly around his fist disturbed her greatly, knowing damn well this wasn't her friend.

On the opposite side of the room, Shiloh still lay on the bed except she was fully awake and in control of her body. She slowly turned her head and saw Dalton's body standing in front of her friend, keeping her breathing quiet so she could plan on what to do.
"Dalton." Chris looked over to see Shiloh now awake but shaking her head, expecting Chris to say something that could screw them both over. "Dalton, tell me you're in there." She begged, "Dalton!" Chris grew impatient, scared of what this demon could do in a human's body.

Dalton kept winding up the cord until his fists touched, still staring down at Chris with no expression. "Dalton, I know you're in there. But if you touch me again, I'm gonna fuck you up." The girl said sternly, making sure she kept her eyes on his hands, on the cord that was threatening her.
Dalton smirked before slowly turning to face Shiloh who stayed still, terrified of what he was going to do. She watched his lips turn from a smirk to an evil smile and slowly nodded his head causing his whole body to sway slowly. After a moment of stillness, he loosened his hold on the cord before tightening it into a straight yet firm line. Just long enough to strangle someone.

The girls breathed in unison, panicking slightly. They waited for him to do something but instead Shiloh watched his eyes close and hid head fall back before his whole body collapsed to the ground. Shiloh ushered off the bed and onto her knees to him, holding the back of his head in her hands while looking up at Chris. "Yeah," she agreed, knowing what she needed to do.
Chris kneeled onto the floor next to Shiloh and Dalton, one girl lifted his head while the other placed a pillow underneath it. Shiloh sat next to him, her legs crossed while she picked at her cuticles.

Chris plugged in and hung all the lights she had brought before leaning down to check under the bed on the right before plugging in more lights.

Both carefully waited for something to jump out at them, instead it was the lights under the bed on the left that had gone out. Chris carefully slid under into the dark to find the plug, the moment she plugged them in a face appeared in front of her.
She screamed and quickly moved away from it, Shiloh looked at her with worry but soon came to an understanding once she followed Chris' eyes towards the bottom of the bed. Dalton's body jerked as he whimpered, Shiloh rushed to sit him up into her, leaning his back against her chest as she held him tight. She began to cry into him, scared silly that this night wasn't going to end, at least in the way she was hoping it would.

Chris brought her knees to her chest as she leaned into Shilohs shoulder, the three would huddled together.

Each string of lights slowly either stopped working or the bulbs were popping, the two girls shut their eyes as tight as they could while they shook with fear. Fog began to form and creatures began to appear, their bones cracking from being bent and broken. Their shallow breaths sent shivers down Shilohs spine, listening to what sounded like growling, her mind twisted and it sounded like she was in an episode of The Walking Dead.

Chris rocked back and forth, staring into the faded white eyes of those who crawled towards her. "Go get away!" Shiloh yelled as the things that scraped the floor came closer, she held onto Dalton as tight as she could as she tried to kick them back. The girls watched these creatures' entire body twist and turn, the sound of everything moving with them, grabbing onto Dalton causing Chris to scream 'no'.

Shiloh felt useless from not being able to help her friends, while she and Chris kicked and screamed at whatever was haunting them, she couldn't help but cry about how she couldn't get to Dalton.
However these creatures or ghosts, they wouldn't stop, they crawled and scratched up Dalton's body.
Their hands covering his body as both girls had to hold onto him, using all their strength to not let go.
"No!" Dalton yelled, he had come back from the Further and the things that were after him had vanished. The girls were in shock, yet before they had the chance to say anything Dalton pulled out of Shilohs arms forcefully and hurried to his painting.

"Dalton?" Shiloh asked carefully, she and Chris slowly stood up still worried that this wasn't Dalton in the room with them. Except they were taken back by him as he picked up a paint brush and black paint and began covering the entire thing. First putting so much black paint that it dripped down the door but he wasn't done, he quickly moved the brush left and right.
Making his way down the canvas, Shiloh stepped closer to watch his movement, up until she was practically leaning into him, looking at his now blue eyes. She looked back at Chris who was a few steps back and nodded, letting her know their friend was back.

Sounds echoed through the room, loud banging coming from the walls causing Dalton to pick up his pace. His hand was shaking rapidly, his hand slowly getting covered in paint.
Finally, once the entire thing was blacked out, he dropped the brush and looked at Shiloh and for a moment she could read his every emotion entirely. He weakly smiled before pulling her into him, holding her tight in his grip, hiding his face in the crook of her neck and softly kissing her skin.
"Ahem," Chris coughed, causing the two to look at each other, then at her. "You need to get rid of that thing. Burn it, forget about it." She said resentfully, her arms crossed at her chest.

Dalton nodded quickly, looking down at the girl in his arms before pushing his brows together,
"No, no, forgetting it doesn't work. We need to remember." Dalton said, "Even the things that hurt." All three were now watching the wet painting, scared to admit they had been waiting for something to happen.

"Shit," Dalton broke the silence, "I need to call my dad." He rushed to grab his phone, ignoring the confused looks on the girls' faces.
They listened to it ring for a second, "Dalton." A woman's voice answered, "Is dad back?" He urged.
"Yes. Yes, he's back. He's okay." Dalton let out a breath, relief finally washing over the group. Dalton wrapped his arm around Shilohs waist while Chris rested her head on his shoulder, the three of them laughed softly. Finally, they could say they were okay, that this was over.

Dalton continued to talk to his mom, then his dad which felt so incredibly good to hear his voice, knowing they had helped each other.
Then Foster got a chance to talk, demanding to hear all about the women that helped his brother out, giving Dalton no choice but to let Shiloh and Chris talk to him.

This was it, all or nothing.
For Shiloh however, she knew this wasn't just it for her, that she still had her own demons that followed. But that wasn't important, Dalton was, the boy she let herself love, that was finally safe.
In his arms, she knew she could say she helped, she can say that it was all worth it for him.

Authors Note
Y'all I'm so sorry for finally updating this, life has been crazy but I've finally pushed forward with this! This is isn't necessarily the end to this story, I will be submitting a few chapters about Dalton and Shiloh but it might be a while.
I hope you enjoyed this so far, I love you you guys so much and thank you for reading🫶💗
Xoxo, M.

ALL OR NOTHING~ Dalton LambertWhere stories live. Discover now