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Dalton leaned against the brick pillar of the JPU: the student health center, listening to the fallen leaves scrape against the pavement. He stood in silence, waiting for Ezi and or Chris to exit the building, anxiously waiting for this to be over so he could tell his friends about Shiloh.
When the door creaked open he slowly turned his head to see Chris speed walking while Ezi quietly tried to keep up with her. "Chris." He said, she just kept going.

He hurried over to them, "Chris. Hey. I didn't mean it-" trying to hold onto Chris' arm, she was quick to pull away. "Dont!" she looked at him, clearly angry. Ezi walked over to her and rubbed a hand over her shoulder, "I just wanted to see if you're okay." "I'm okay." Chris didn't want to have this conversation, not right here. "I'm sorry. I didn't know anyone could get hurt in the real world." he begged, "well, they can." Chris replied, no hint of remorse anywhere. Dalton couldnt steady his breathing, "you have no idea what you're messing with. I can't be a part of this, Dalton. And neither should you. Because next time, you might not wake up." she tried warning him, Chris would not let what happened tonight, happen again.

She wasn't willing to get hurt again, not for someone who's in the situation. As she turned away and took a step forward, Ezi watched her go then looked up at Dalton, opening her mouth to say something but nothing came out.
"Its Shiloh," he began, Chris stopped in her tracks, Ezi looking up at him in concern. "She got hurt, she... she's at the hospital." he couldn't bring himself to look up and make eye contact with the girls. "W-what do you mean?" Ezi asked eagerly, her eyes began to water, Chris hurried back. Holding onto her.

Dalton swallowed the lump in his throat, "she was attacked by whatever choked you and she's getting stitches, Nick took her to the emergency room." he revealed, tears in all of their eyes. This is not what they wanted, they wanted to face fear and gain that dominance, to overpower whatever was holding them back, instead two out of the four were injured. Only Dalton knew just how bad Shilohs injuries were.

"We can take my car," Ezi broke their silence, Dalton nodded but Chris stayed silent. "I'm sorry but, I can't." She croaked, clearly trying not to cry, she hurried off before her friends could protest.
The ride to the hospital was quiet, both Dalton and Ezi were too scared to say something. The girl was definitely speeding the entire way, putting their lives at risk but couldn't care less.
Her best friend, her sister, was laying in some dark hospital room with that perv, Nick. "So," she began, Dalton moved his gaze from the window to Ezi. "What's with you and her? I mean she practically put her life on hold for you, is there anything the human eye can't see?" Ezi asked, gripping the steering wheel until her knuckles were white, eager to get any kind of answer from him, seeing this as his fault.

"I uh, I'm not sure." Dalton replied nervously, averting his eyes to his knuckles. All he could think to himself was how he wasnt safe for Shiloh, he liked her, he really did it tonight just gave him a reason to push them both back a step.

When he looked back up from his lap, they had arrived at the hospital, Ezi swerved into a parking spot. Both were quick to rush out of the car and into the hospital, to their disappointment, visiting hours were over.
While they stood in the hall on floor two, Dalton noticed Nick sitting with his arms folded and a tired look on his face.
"Where is she?" he bolted over to the boy, "what room?" Dalton begged.
Nick stood up nervously and looked at Ezi who gave him an apologetic look, "she's in room 213." he said, his voice hushed knowing exactly what was about to happen.
Ezi sat down in the chair next to Nick, fully prepared to start thanking him. Dalton watched his surroundings before speed walking down the hall to Shilohs room.

His converse squeaks against the clean granite floor, looking behind him once more before stopping in front of the door with the numbers '213' on it. Dalton closed his eyes and inhaled sharply, hovering his hand over the doorknob before slowly pushing the door open. "Shiloh?" his voice brittle, he quickly closed the door behind him.
Shiloh was laying in her hospital bed, needle in her arm and her eyes glued to the small tv on the wall that was playing Criminal Minds. Dalton stood still for a moment, letting out a breath as he observed the girl who showed clear signs of fatigue. Her eyes moved to him but she stayed quiet, giving him a small smile with the very little energy she had left. Dalton carefully walked over to her, she patted the spot next to her, signaling him to sit down.

He passed her the cup of water on the counter next to him, taking a long sip before showing a sign of relief. "Thank you," Shilohs voice was gruff but he still found it cute, "Shi, I'm so so sorry." Dalton held her soft hand, his thumb grazing the back of her hand.
"Don't do that." Shiloh tried to laugh but Dalton was just confused. "Do what?" "Act like this is all your fault!" Shilohs voice was low and vulnerable, "but it is my fault!" Dalton quietly argued.
She smiled sarcastically, she had been waiting to have this arguèrent with Dalton. "No, it isn't. I went into The further to make sure you were okay, I wasn't going to leave you alone." Shilohs voice was hushed, Dalton just looked at her with complete and utter sympathy.

He didn't want to say anything, he couldn't stop telling him that she wanted him to be safe, he couldn't deny how he felt about the girl sitting in front of him. He squeezed her hand  and looked down at her, Shiloh got comfortable and let her eyes place on the screen once more. Secretly waiting for Dalton to lay by her but she knew he wouldn't, "hey Shi, i gotta go make a call. Be back in five?" talking said, rushing out of the room. He sneaked back over to Ezi and Nick who were asleep, resting their heads on each other. Dalton woke them up, notifying them Shiloh was okay but visibly tired. He let them head out, giving her the satisfaction that he'd stay with Shiloh until he was told to get out.

He snuck into the restroom, trying to stay unseen. He called his brother for help.

ALL OR NOTHING~ Dalton LambertWhere stories live. Discover now