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Chris groaned. "I see those gears turning. What is it?" she asked what the others were thinking, Shiloh wanted to be the one to tell the group that this was all just fiction, but that wasnt the case. She couldnt deny what she say but she was more than wilkling to deny any further decisions the group had.
"That kid from the frat house?" He began, "the pukey kid?" Ezi interrupted.
"Yeah. he said something to me. He said, 'Close the door.'" Dalton brought his hand behind his neck, massaging the tension in that spot. "I'm sure he did. It probably wasn't his proudest moment." Chris bit back,  Shiloh laughed at her comeback.
"Yeah but," he moved his gaze over to shiloh.

"What if he meant something else? What if he was talking about this door?" he asked his friend while his attention was focused on the girl beside him.
"Dalton, come on. Do you really think that's what he meant?" Shiloh pleaded, Dalton knew all of this was getting under her skin, he felt guilty wanting to pursue their research.
Ezi looked at Shiloh with sympathy, she didn't know much about her past- only able to assume things from little details her roommate gave her.
Chris sighed, "so what? You want to go back and ask him?" she said sarcastically. Dalton looked at her, keeping his mouth, saying everything he needed to say just like that.

"Seriously?" Shiloh scoffed, a hint of disbelief in her tone, "I need to know." Dalton fought back, his decision already made. "Look, I feel bad for the dude, believe me I do, but dark realms are typically places to avoid! What if it's not safe? I don't want you getting hurt or one of us being at risk because of this." Shiloh bit back dreadfully, uncertainty creeping up on everyone in the room.
"There's something important about this painting, Shi." His voice low, no one saying a word. "I have to find out." he pleaded, Shiloh bit her tongue hard. She could feel her eyes becoming glossy but she refused to cry, "okay." she breathed out, Dalton looking at her, she felt like he was seeing right through her.

"But, its not like Nick the Dick is just gonna let you waltz into his bedroom and chat with the ghost in his toilet." Ezi broke the silence, Dalton and Chris laughed at her comment. He shook his head, "he'll never know im there." that cute smile showing, Shiloh returned the gesture when their eyes locked. Chris and Ezi shared a look, knowing exactly what he meant.

Shiloh was the only one to rush out the dorm room, annoyance radiating off of her. She couldn't breathe, everything around her seemed to move slowly and her mind was spinning. "Shiloh wait!" Dalton yelled from the other side of the hall, Chris and Ezi stayed in his room.
She walked faster, entering her dorm room in a panic, grabbing at the hair on her scalp. Shiloh grew dizzy, trying to find something to hold onto, holding in her quiet sobs.
"You need to take a deep breath, Shi you're gonna pass out if you don't calm down." Dalton's voice was still, he had just appeared in front of Shiloh. She was sitting on the edge of her bed, hands covering her eyes while her fingers pulled at her hair line.

Soft sniffling was the only noise beside her shaky breaths, Dalton was on his knees in front of her, kneeling as his thumbs traced different shapes on her thighs while his fingers held the sides of them.
"This... this is too much." shiloh cried, her tear filled eyes looked up at Daltons. Only minutes before, the four college students discussed a plan that consisted of Dalton traveling to The Further. Shiloh originally said she would go with him, refusing to let him do this alone, but once the conversation went deeper and details were discussed, she panicked.

Shiloh was horrified to say the least, every bad memory resurfacing and now this. She was strong, always had been but her facade was slowly cracking, she felt she was getting eaten alive by her guilt and her pain.
"It'll be fine. If you still want to come with me, I'll be with you the entire time. I wont have you going through this alone." he looked up at her, those dark brown eyes of hers glistening, filled with distress.
"Dalton you don't understand, I don't think I can go back there." she looked at him, she wanted to go with him, she didn't want him going alone. She felt she needed to be with him, they both needed to face their demons but theirs were so similar yet so different.

She could tell he was confused, going off of little information.
"Dalton, that night I followed you through this so-called realm or whatever, something was following me. I felt this feeling, like something was sharing the same breath as me, wrapping itself around. Except i've felt it before except this time it was stronger, I think I've been to The Further before." He listened to what she had just said, repeating that last sentence over again in his head.
"When I was a kid, there were these moments when I'd watch myself sleep and walk around my house while everyone else was asleep. There were times where the air around me felt thick and sometimes I'd get glimpses of something in front of me. For years I was terrified of the dark, as I grew older I went through so much, I was traumatized. Going through everything by myself, I had to teach myself to stay stable and yet here I am years later, still that little girl." Shiloh ranted, it felt good to finally break down to someone, however it also felt awful, like this breakdown would last a long time.

Dalton didn't know what to say, he wanted to comfort her, she didn't deserve whatever happened to her but he didn't want her to give up just yet. "Shiloh, I don't want you to do this with me. I need you to keep yourself safe, it's too much for you, I can't have you being at risk there." Dalton said, his voice hushed and his hands slightly tightened around the girl's thighs.
Shiloh stayed quiet, slowly nodding her head before loaning to Dalton and bringing him into a hug, holding him tight.
"Thank you," their eyes met before she let hers travel down to his lips for just a second, when her brown orbs met his blue ones, except they were darker than before. She stared deep into the deep blue sea, neither moving away from one another, feeling the warmth radiate off of themselves.

"Hey , you two. Let's head out?" Ezi pushed the door open, interrupting anything that could've happened.

ALL OR NOTHING~ Dalton LambertWhere stories live. Discover now