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Trigger Warning?
slight amount of gore.

Dalton ran down the dark hallway and into Nick's room, he and the girl he was studying were preoccupied. He was bragging about his so-called gift with finance, the blonde was clearly growing annoyed at him.
Nick entered the bathroom and began washing off his face mask, causing Dalton to fall into a slight panic considering the door was now locked and he was terrified that Nick might see even just a glimpse of him. So he stood awkwardly, waiting for something to happen but Nick stood there for a moment, holding his stomach.

"Uh, I'm gonna be here for a while." Nick creaked the door open to speak to the girl on his bed, she mumbled something under her breath. This was not what Dalton wanted, to be stuck with Nick like this was beyond gross.
Dalton took one step forward when out of nowhere all the lights went out, not just to him but everyone. Chris, Ezi, and Shiloh all snapped their heads in the direction of where their light source went.
"Dalton?" Chris asked the body of their friend, "dalton!" she quietly yelled but got no response. Shiloh couldn't breathe, she knew something about this was wrong, she needed to go find her friend but was scared to do so. She felt the room go colder, with Chris and Ezi pacing around she just sat where she was silently.

"Someone turn on the lights!" Nick yelled, all the girls were able to hear him. Chris rushed to open the door just to be met with a doorknob that wouldn't budge. "Dalton?" she asked once more, beginning to panic. "Dalton, wake up!" Chris' voice echoed around him, "Chris," he said to himself.
Rushing out of the bathroom and ignoring Nick who began yelling from the door swinging open in the dark. Dalton ran down the hallway, "close the door!" a voice yelled, a hand bursting through the wall. Grabbing onto Dalton and pulling him close, "dalton?" Chris tried again. Shiloh could hear his faint yelled, her chest rising faster, "I need to help him!" Shiloh yelled in a panic.

Out of nowhere an invisible force grabbed onto Chris, choking her immediately. Shiloh and Ezi rushed to her, trying to pull her away from the wall as Chris kept her eyes on Dalton's sleeping figure.

"I need to go to The further," Shiloh said quietly, looking at Ezi. "the hell you do!" she replied, anger covering her voice. "I can't help her if I'm not on the other side to see what the hell is doing this!" Shiloh ran over to her own corner, counting down from ten in her head, it didn't take long for her to feel herself slipping away.
She didn't think twice as to what she had just done, ignoring her fear and grabbing it by the balls. She slowly opened her eyes, the once dark room was softly lit by a blue lighting, once her vision was steady she saw it.

A big figure was leaning over Chris' unresponsive body, long claw gripping at her throat. Shiloh couldn't help but stay still, covering her mouth to hide the sound of her shaky breathing.
Tears rolled down her cheeks uncontrollably, adrenaline slowly rising at the thought of what she planned to do next.
She slowly turned her head to find some kind of weapon near her, thankfully she spotted a wooden bat that had sharply written all over it. She recognized the song lyrics and internally laughing, she quietly held onto the handle of the wooden object.

She slowly stood up and charged at the demon, screaming her heart out while tears flowed down onto her shirt.
She was met with bright colored eyes, wrinkled skin that consisted of red and black, and a distorted body figure. She hit the creature and she hit him hard, right on the side of its head, causing it to forcibly fall back.
Shiloh took this time to slam to bat into the back of the demon, she hadn't even noticed Chris who was still not responsive on the dusty floor.

Nick pushed the door open, a flashlight in hand as he scanned the room. First noticing Chris on the floor, then Ezi who was crying loudly, holding Chris tightly, saying to the boy how she started shaking and couldn't breathe.
Shiloh managed to take one more swing at the creature when Dalton entered the room, eyes first glancing at his now passed out friend then over to Shiloh and the demon of his past hunching over on the floor.
The demon looked up at him and smiled at how terrified Dalton looked, Shiloh loosening her grip as she saw her friend was still alive and breathing. "Oh, god." was all he was able to get out before the creature extended his claws and in one swift motion cut the back of Shilohs legs, specifically trying to aim and successfully cutting her ankles.
She yelped in pain as she fell to her knees as the demon disappeared, Dalton ran over to her, holding onto her. Shiloh was shaking uncontrollably in his arms, "we need to get out of here." Dalton looked down at her, then at her bleeding ankles, at the deep cuts at the back of her calves.

Nick was in the middle of performing CPR on Chris while Ezi watched, holding her knees to her chest.
Dalton was first to wake up, jolting his body from the wall, seconds later Shiloh joined her friend except she started crying as the stinging from her legs grew more and more intense.
She sucked in a breath as Chris rose from the floor, gasping for air Dalton smiled slightly as he realized she'd be okay, not even  noticing Shilohs figure on the other side of the bed.

"Chris." he mumbled, causing her to snap her head in his direction, a horrified look still on her face. "What..?" Nick asked, completely confused as to what just happened, confused on why the same strangers from the party were either passed out or crying in the room.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" Nick screamed as he saw the bleeding girl in the corner, her face was pale and discolored, shaking all by herself.
He ran to her, picking her up and holding her bridal style and running out of the room. Dalton, Chris, and Ezi all shared a look before rushing out of the room, Ezi balancing Chris as Dalton rushed ahead to Nick.
"What the hell were you guys doing?" he eagerly asked, rushing down the stairs and out of the house.

Shiloh was in and out of consciousness, her head spinning as she replayed what had happened to her in her head. Nick was careful to place her into the backseat of his car, laying her down to rest before Dalton stopped him from closing the door.
He looked down at Shiloh then at her bleeding legs and felt tears form in his eyes but refused to let them fall. "What are you doing?" he huffed, "im taking her to the fucking hospital!" Nick spat in his face.
"Look, i need to take Ezi and Chris to the student health center, c-can i meet you at the hospital in about an hour?" Dalton begged, rushing his words as he too was in shock.

"Yeah, sure, whatever. Look , I can't have this go on record, I can't deal with another incident so just meet me wherever as long as you keep quiet." His voice was brittle, Dalton scanned Nick's face for a moment before just nodding repeatedly.

He watched Nick speed off to the hospital, his mind numb at the tears finally feel, "fuck!" he cried. Shiloh was in that car, she would be the one to get stitches, she wouldn't be fine after this. He needed to get to Chris and Ezi, the sooner this was done with, the sooner he could be with Shiloh.

ALL OR NOTHING~ Dalton LambertWhere stories live. Discover now