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Lottie and Finn sat with their ears against the doors of the betting shop, trying to listen in to the family meeting.

"Right, i've called this family meeting because i've got some very important news" he began. "Scud boat and Love Lock got back from Belfast last night"

"They were buying a stallion to cover their mares" he huffed. "They were in a pub on Shank Hill road yesterday and in that pub there was a copper"

Lottie's eyes widened. A copper?

"Handing out these" he said, handing them all a piece of paper.

Finn and Lottie looked at each other.

"If you're over five feet and can fight come to Birmingham" John read. "They're recruiting Protestant Irishmen to come over here as specials" Arthur told them.

"To do what" Ada asked. "To clean up the city, Ada" Tommy said. "He's the Chief Inspector"

"The last four years he's been clearing IRA out of Belfast."

"How do you know so bloody much" Arthur asked. "Cause i asked the coppers on our payroll"

"And why didn't you tell me" Arthur asked, sounding annoyed. "I'm telling you" Tommy nodded.

"Why send him to Birmingham" Polly questioned.

"There's been all these bloody strikes at the BSA" Tommy nodded, Ada's head lifted, looking at her brother. "And the Austin works lately" he said.

"Now the papers are talking about Sedition and revolution. I reckon it's communists he's after"

Ada's eyes dropped, her heart beating. The same with Lottie. She knew about the secret relationship between Freddie Thorn and Ada. She knew Freddie was a communist.

"So this copper is going to leave us alone, right?" Polly asked. "There are Irishmen in Green Lanes who left Belfast to get away from him" He replied. "Say Catholic men who crossed him used to disappear in the night"

"Yeah but we ain't IRA. We bloody fought for the king" John interrupted, his voice shaky. "Anyway we're peaky blinders, we're not scared of coppers"

"He's right" Arthur breathed.

"If they come for us, we'll cut them a smile each" he hissed, causing Lottie to grin.

"So Arthur, is that it?" Tommy asked, ignoring his younger brother.

"What do you think Aunt Pol" Arthur looked at her. "This family does everything open. You have nothing more to say to this meeting Thomas"

Tom shook his head. "Nothing that's women's business"

"This whole bloody enterprise was women's business whilst you boys were away at war. What's changed?" she scowled.

"We came back" he whispered.

Lottie hated that she wasn't allowed inside the family meetings, she thought she deserved to know as much as they did.

She sloped back in her seat, folding her arms.

New copper? IRA? Communists. She hated the whole thing but she still wants to know the plans.

"Come on you" John whispered. "Up to bed" he grabbed his younger sister by the arms, throwing her over his shoulders and walking upstairs.

"Let go of me" she hissed.

"Pol and Tommy are out, in the church for something, be lucky i've let you stay up later" he said, laying her onto the bed.

"What was the meeting about" she asked, pulling the sheet over her.

He took a deep breath.

"There's a new copper in town Lott" he whispered. "He's up to no good" he continued. "But you don't need to worry because Tom will sort it"

"Don't tell anyone i told you" he said, holding out his pinky finger. "I won't"

"Promise" he asked. She nodded. "Promise" she interlocked their fingers together and smiled.

Out of all her brothers, she was closest to John, they got along. He looked after her. Would always give her information about the meetings.

"Has Tom done something wrong" she asked, closing her eyes. He shook his head.

"Don't be worrying about it, get some sleep" he whispered, closing the door over and leaving the room.

Around twenty minutes had passed and she carefully climbed out of bed, grabbing her boots and sliding the window open.

She slowly grabbed on to the drain pipe, pulling herself down onto the floor, pulling her boots onto her feet.

If they caught her out at this time, they'd kill her.

"Reg?" she whispered as she inched around the corner and into the alleyway. "Reggie?" she repeated.

She walked forward slowly and screamed when a pair of hands grabbed her.

"It's only me" he laughed, letting go of her.

"I fucking hate you" she hissed, holding her chest trying to regain her breath.

"You love me really" he teases, letting his arm drape around her shoulder. "Thought someone was trying to kill me" Lottie told him, walking out to the cut.

"Where's Siah?" she asked. "At the Garrison with your brothers"

Lottie scoffed. "I don't get why he likes being around them, they're so annoying"

"Does anyone know you're here" Reggie asked, sitting on a rock. She shook her head, sitting beside him. "Hopefully they won't notice i'm gone"

"What'll happen if they do?"

"Probably be on house arrest till i'm 30" she joked, looking up at the moon. His hand grazed the skin of her face. "Remember when your brothers were away, and we'd do this all the time over summer" he whispered.

She nodded slowly.

"An when Pol caught me sneaking in an i couldn't come back out for 3 weeks" she added. He laughed loudly and threw his head back.

"What's Ronnie like, now that he's back" Lottie asked the boy, referring to his older brother. Reggie shook his head. "Quieter, i hear him wake up in the night screaming sometimes"

"Tommy does that too." she whispered, looking down.

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