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"Tomorrow?" Polly asked, "i'm company treasurer, you should speak to me first" she reminded him. "It's new market tomorrow"

"Third busiest day of the year"

"We have 18 staff" Tommy mumbled, putting the combination into the safe. "Who do you trust with 200 quid takings" she asked. "And i changed the combination"

He looked up, sighing.

"So what's going on Thomas, who did you meet at the Black Lion"

"Give me the combination Polly"

"Polly, give me the combination"

She ignored him, writing on paper. "What happened to the pub, is Irish business" he told her. "In this situation for everyone's safety, it's best if some things remain undisclosed"

"So why Tomorrow?"

"Like you said tomorrow is Newmarket, all the london bosses will be at the races"

"So you just roll up and take the city?" she frowned. "No" he shook his head. "We take the opportunity to show our hand. The Italian gangs and the Jewish gangs have been at war in London for 6 months"

"It's not our war" Polly said.

"The jews have been having the worst of it, they need allies,"

"Yeah but we don't" she shrugged. "We need a foothold, Polly. At the Southern end of the Grand union. The Jews control Camden Town"

Thomas shoved his hands into his pockets, staring at Polly.

"Your mother said, it's his cleverness that'll kill him,"

"No one gets killed Polly, we go down tomorrow when it's quiet and leave our message. If Alfie Solomon's and his Camden boys come to us, we'll negotiate the use of secure bonded warehouse, our legal activities in London can begin"

"Now please, open the fucking safe"

She walked round to the safe. "You know if was a fine speech you gave in there, about this company believing in equal rights for woman, but when it comes to it, you don't listen to a word me say"

"Maybe you don't trust us. Lottie warned you about that fucking barmaid, you didn't listen and look where it got you. She was one woman Thomas, maybe it's time you forgot about her"

"Forgot about who?" he said coldly.

Polly opened the safe and stepped out of the way. "You and the boys, go get yourselves killed" she excused, "think about Lottie" she shouted as he walked away. "She needs you all more than anyone"


Lottie sat at the front window, watching as Tommys car pulled up outside. "John" he shouted. "I'm fucking coming"

"John" Lottie said, stopping him at the door. "Don't do anything stupid" she begged. He nodded, holding her shoulder. "I need to go"

Tommy blew smoke from his mouth and looked at Arthur.

"Seven O'clock, Twelve O'clock, Ten if i'm still sober" he nodded, swigging the small bottle, "got it from the doctor"

Tommy took it from his hands, reading it.

"Keeps me nice and calm"

"Same thing they fucking gave us in the trenches to stop us fucking wanking" he poured it out on to the floor. "Polly said it's good for me temper, slows me down"

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