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Polly entered Tommys office, placing her bag down, a wishful look on her face. He opened a drawer, pulling out two files.

"Polly these are the files for Micheal and Anna Gray" he told her, "as you can see, one is white, one is black"

"What you saw in your dreams, was right. Your daughter is dead"

Polly bit her lip, holding back tears.

Thomas placed the files in front of her. "You do it, i can't read it" she shook her head. He picked up the files once more.

"After Anna was taken from you she was put with the family of a Railway stationmaster in Stafford" he said, "she never settled, so she kept running away, she got on a train to Birmingham once"

"Eventually they sent her to Australia, where she died of something called spring fever"

Polly kneeled down, spinning the globe in front of her. "So my little Anna, travelled all the way back across the world, to be with me in my dreams. She came all by herself"

"Well, that's one train they couldn't get her off"

"But Pol," he continued, "Micheal is alive"

She covered her mouth in disbelief, letting out a happy sob.

"He's in England, and i know where he lives, i went there. But Pol"

"And?" she asked, hands on her head.

"Okay, Polly, listen to me" she grabbed his hands. "Just listen to me please, Pol! The woman that he calls his mother, will never let him come here"

"Just tell me where he is Tommy"

"Polly if you go there, and you get mad, and she gets mad and she calls the police, they will never let you anywhere near him and the boy will get scared"

"That is what will happen Pol"

She pulled a gun from her bag. "Just tell me where he is"


He slammed his hands onto the table, "Tell me where he is, Thomas" she shouted. "Polly, pulling a gun, is why i can tell you"

"Pol, i am sorry, your gonna have to wait till he is 18" he reminded her. "Till he's old enough to make his own decisions"

Polly pushed everything from the desk, "Wait?" she shouted. "you tell me where he is" Polly placed the gun to his forehead.

"If you shoot me you'll never know"


Lottie walked toward the Garrison, her arm linked around Isaiahs. She was wearing a light pink silk dress.

They walked alongside a few of the other, younger, peaky blinders.

"Mickey, come on the parties starting" Finn called over another boy. "Carry on," Finn parted slightly. "Finn where you going" Isaiah asked, holding onto the girl tightly.

"To talk to Arthur"

Isaiah glanced at the girl and she shook her head, walking along with him and the other boys.

The door opened and they looked around and the newly furnished pub which was no longer plain wood but gold instead. "Lottie" John shouted, handing her a drink.

"Where's ya brother" he asked. "Which one?" she raised an eyebrow. "Both"

"Arthur's at home, Finns went to speak to him" she spoke over the loud chatter. He glanced at Isaiah. "Get your hand from around my sister" he instructed.

Isaiah immediately removed his hand from Lottie's lower back as he walked away.

She rolled her eyes.

"What you want to drink?" she asked the boy. "Whiskey"

As they spoke to the bartender, Arthur and Finn appeared at the doors. "My fucking Garrison" he shouted.

Time had passed, people had joined.

"Here you are, take that Lizzie" he handed her a bottle. "Let me get you a light" he offered, leaning to light her cigarette. "There you go darling"

Tommy raised a glass to his older brother.

"Look at the place" Arthur shouted. "You alright?" Tommy asked. "The busier we are, the faster time passes" Arthur nodded.


Lottie held her head, laughing loudly. "That was amazing" she spoke, clinging to Isaiah's shirt to keep herself up.

"Finn," Tommy shouted, "give me that" he took the whiskey from the younger boys hand.

"Lottie's drinking" he complained. "Lottie's 17"

Tommy walked away and John and Esme laughed at the sight of Lottie who was already drunk.

"Fucking joke" Finn hissed.

"Oh give over Finn boy, it's a party" she hit his arm. He pushed her hand away, pulling a face.

"Get me another?" she asked Isaiah. "No more for you" John interrupted, sliding her glass away. "But-"

"I don't want to be carrying you home" he raised his brows, pointed at her.

Suddenly Ada walked in, admiring the place, Karl in her arms. "Ada, i didn't know you were coming" Polly drunkenly shouted.

"Hello, aunt Polly" she leaned in, hugging the older woman. Esme joined them. "Ey who's that" Ada smiled, handing Karl over to her.

"Oh Ada why don't you come home" Polly asked.

"Hello Ada" Tommy nodded. Polly walked away. "Tommy" she accepted the drink from his hand. "What do you think eh?"

"It's very, um.."

"Gold?" Tommy finished her sentence. "Yeah" she laughed. "Hello Ada," John stood, wrapping his arms around her.

"Hello, trouble, how you doing" she asked. "Hey Arthur look who it is" He called Arthur over.

"So what do you want me to say to Polly?" she asked as John walked to Arthur. "Just talk to her, nobody can get through to her, not even Lottie" Tommy said.

"Tell her i have no choice"

Before he could continue, Lottie jumped up, wobbling slightly but approaching her sister. "Ada" she shouted.

"Oh, Lottie, you look lovely" she complimented. "Dance with me will you? John won't let Isaiah dance with me and i want to dance" she rambled.

Ada looked at Tommy then at the girl, he nodded.

"Okay then" she gave in, keeping hold of Lottie's hand.

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