70 (act five)

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Act five/ season 5

Tommy ride through the muddy field on his black horse. He climbed off it, placing his gloves in his pocket and stepping into the telephone box.

"Arthur?" he asked, answering the phone. "We cannot give you the assurance you are asking for. We expect payment in full" he read from the letter. "Here's my favourite part, 'we have never even heard of you people, so we are not afraid of your threats.' And they've signed it The Angels of Retribution"

Tommy hummed, putting the phone down and flipping a coin, landing on head.

He picked the phone up again and dialled a number. "They say they haven't even heard of us, so tell Aberama and Isaiah to introduce themselves" he spoke. "And Finn, you stay out of it"

He put the phone down again.


Finn placed the down and looked through the window of the telephone box, nodding at Isaiah who got inside the car with Aberama.


Micheal was awoken by the phone ringing. He sat up, rubbing his eyes and going over to answer it. "Yeah?" He listened carefully. "Wait, wait say that again," his face dropped. "No, that cannot be possible"

"No no no" he whispered.

Gina stood, placing a hand on his shoulder and kissing he cheek, turning and snorting a line of cocaine off the table. Micheal picked up the phone. " Arthur"

"Hello?" he groaned. "Arthur where's Tommy?"


"Just get to him and tell him we've lost the lot" Micheal shouted.


Lizzie approached Ruby who sat playing with her toy horse. "Ten spoonfuls of sugar for me please" she said, kneeling down. "Is that for one?" the girl asked.

Lizzie looked up. "Look Ruby, daddy's back from his call. Everything going to be alright now"

The pair stood, watching as Tommy came down the hill on his horse.


"Arthur what are you talking about how is that possible" Polly asked over the phone. "It's possible because this morning in New York City at 6.00 am, the Wall Street stock exchange crashed. Like a steam train and we were most definitely on bored"

Polly's heart dropped as the phone line went dead.


Isiah, Finn and Aberama climbed the stairs of the building, carefully looking around the corners, holding their guns close. Finn kicked a door open, pointing his gun. Women and children began screaming and shouting.

They walked through the rooms and Isiah pointed a gun at a girl who pointed to the room beside them.

Aberama climbed through a window, carefully walking over the roof.


Micheal threw his suit jacket over his shoulders. "If you're going to England, i'm coming with you" The american girl, Gina spoke. "No" he shook his head.

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