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"Right boys, let's wet this baby's head"

"Tom" Lottie shouted. "Do i have to sit in there while she's having a fuckin baby" Lottie asked. "Get in there" Arthur hissed, pointing at the door.

John looked at his younger sister, wanting to let her join them at the Garrison.

Lottie stormed into the house, Ada screaming, Esme and Polly at her side.

"I attended three sisters" Esme said. "We should lean her forward"

"Come on Ada" Polly urged. Lottie stood in the corner wincing at the sight of her sister. "Come on, not long to go now darling"

"Where's Freddie" Lottie asked. They all ignored her.

"Ada" she heard a voice outside. Freddie. She ran to open the door and he rushed in.

He looked at his wife who was holding a tiny baby. "It's a boy freddie"

"It's a beautiful baby boy" he whispered, taking the baby from her hands. "Welcome to the world son" he whispered.

Suddenly police barged in, shouting.

Lottie stood, rushing in front of the door. "Get out" she shouted, they pushed her away. "Freddie" Ada whispered.

"You can't come in here there's a baby just been born" Esme shouted.

They grabbed Freddie and Lottie covered her mouth. "Let go of him, his kids just been born you can't fucking take him away you bastards" She began hitting the coppers that had their hands on Freddie.

"Let go of him for fucks sake"

Polly wrapped her arms around the girl pulling her back.

"Your hurting him leave him alone" Ada cried, holding the baby close to her chest. "Your taking me away from my baby" he shouted, fighting against their grip. "Ada"

"Get off him" Lottie shouted.

Esme stood in silence, unsure of what to do.

As they dragged him away, Lottie began running toward the Garrison, the fastest she'd ever ran before.

"John! Tommy" she shouted, swinging the door open. The pub was empty. "They've taken Freddie" she shouts.

"Calm down" Arthur grabbed the girls arms. "They fucking took him away from Ada and the baby"

John awoke from his current sleep in the booth to their left and stood up. "What do you mean they've taken him" Tommy frowned, concern all over his face.

Suddenly Polly barged in.

"It's a boy"

Polly ran at him, hitting his chest. "Pol! Polly. Woah" Tommy said, stepping backwards.

John and Arthur rushed to grab her.

"But the police came and took his father away" she hissed. "Don't you dare look at me like that"

Polly spat at him. "You liar"

Lottie watched with wide eyes as her Aunt left the pub. "Tommy what did you do" she asked, shaking her head.

"Nothing Lottie, i did nothing"

Lottie held her head in her hands. "I have somewhere to be" she whispered, leaving the pub and walking toward her a house she'd been at many times before.

"Isaiah" she shouted, knocking on the door. It soon opened, revealing the tired boy.

"Sorry i'm late, Ada had the fucking baby"

He let her inside, closing the door behind her. "Then the police came taking Freddie away"

"Calm down, come on come upstairs"

They walked up to his bedroom and she sat on his bed. "Oh yeah, John married Esme Lee" she chuckled. "What happened to Lizzie"

"God fucking knows"

"Well is Ada okay?" he asked, taking her jacket and hanging it on his door. "Other than the fact police have just taken away the father of her child, yeah she's fine" Lottie said sarcastically.

Isaiah grinned at her and searched her face.

"What are you looking at" she hissed. "You need to relax" he told her, placing his hand over hers.

"I'm fine" she lied. "No you're not" he raised his eyebrows.

She lowered her shoulders, leaning into him. "So much is going on" she whispered. "Too much"

He rubbed her back, his head leaning on hers.

"You'll be okay, you always are" he assured her. "Ey at least Johns kids have a mum now" he joked, causing her to let out a laugh.

"Is it bad that i think it's a good thing Martha is dead" she asked.

He pulled away, mouth open.

"What!? She was a right cow"

"Your not wrong but-" he licked his lips. "But what Siah" she asked. He shook his head. He smiled, cupping her cheek with his hands.

"What are you doing" she asked, placing her hand over his. "Do you trust me" he asked. She nodded slowly and her eyes fluttered close as Isaiah leaned in, closing the gap between them, their lips touching.

It took a second before she kissed back but did.

Her hand rested on the back of his neck, deepening the kiss. After a few seconds, he pulled away.

"Your brothers are going to kill me"

"Then my brother just don't need to find out" she whispered.

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