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Polly approached the Russian man beside the door. "So what does he say?" he asked. "He won't meet you unless you give us the name" she said. "What name?"

"We were told to ask for a code name when contact was made"

"Constantine. The code is Constantine" he said quietly. She took a drag of her cigarette and walked away, walking to her youngest niece.

"Hello Aurora" she whispered, touching the girls cheek. "Where the bloody hell are my brothers and Isaiah?" she asked, stressed. "Not sure, love" Polly lied.

Lottie sighed, looking around. "Come on, Rory, let's go talk to Grace, eh?"

The two walked over to the new bride who was once again stood entertaining people alone.


"Tommy said no racing, no gambling" Curly reminded John. "Yeah well he's changed his mind" he turned to Finn who had appeared beside him and grabbed his shoulders.

"Right. Don't worry Finn, okay?" he said. "Right" the boy chuckled. "Cavalry boys ride like a sack of stones, all right" he said, pulling his brother down and rubbing his head.

"John. John, there's an awful lot of Kings shillings around here today" Johnny stopped the two. "Now, out of loyalty to the regiment, they'll all be putting their money on this bad boy" he pointed to the dark horse.

"That i filled up with morphine and water" They both laughed and continued walking. "Here. Tommys all right if i, uh, do the book is he?"

"He said bettings okay but all proceeds go to the Shelby Foundation Charity" John nodded, turning the corner.

"Oh, is this charity for real, then?" Charlie asked. "He says he wants to be seen giving back to the poor of Birmingham" John nodded.

"So that'll be me, John" Johnny shouted. "Myself, if i can't earn a shilling here tonight"

"They'll make him the fucking Lord Mayor next" Charlie scoffed. "That's the idea Charlie Boy" John hummed, lighting a cigarette.

"Right, all you lot make as much noise and fuss as you can" he instructed to the other peaky boys.

Johnny helped Finn up on to the horse as John walked away, shouting at the Cavalry men to place their bets.


John blew smoke from his cigar, watching the Russian man join him and Arthur. "Oh you found it" Arthur said. "We nearly give up"

The man placed his arms to the side, waiting for one of them to search him.

"Did he tell you what my business with him is?" he asked as Arthur stepped forward, searching his pockets. He pulled out a pack of cigarettes and sniffed them, pulling a face. "The same shit the Turks used to smoke" he said, dropping them to the floor.

"I wonder, why does he trust his aunt more than his brothers?"

Johns head lifted at his words.

"Go and watch the race boys" Tommy said, standing at the bottom of the hall. "The turks clean" Arthur told him. "I am Russian"

"Same fucking thing" he hissed.

The man walked to Tommy. "So you make contact on my wedding day?" he said. "You now have very powerful enemies" The man nodded. "At the soviet embassy and within your own government. You are being watched"

"At your house, your office, your clubs, your bars."

"You best be quick or i'll be missed. Now where's my money?" Tommy asked.


Lottie kneeled beside where Charles and Karl where playing, smiling as Karl handed Aurora a toy. "Where's your father Charles?" she asked. He looked up at her and shrugged. She huffed, looking at the boys.

"Karl" she said, "You look after Rory for a minute, yeah? Me and Aunt Pol will be just over there"

The small boy nodded, a smile on his face as he watched Lottie walk toward the party.

"Evening" Polly sighed, pouring herself a drink. "You enjoying yourself Grace?" Lottie asked, her hands on her hips. Grace smiled slightly, looking between the two. "You look absolutely beautiful" Polly complimented. "Welcome to the family"

"Oh, I see. Tommys orders." Grace nodded. "No upsets tonight"

"Your hair, everything, beautiful." Polly continued. Lottie squinted at the interaction. "Do you know where he is?" she asked.

"We're all wondering the same thing, Grace" Lottie said, looking over her shoulder.

"Yes. Yes i do" Polly nodded. They both looked at the older woman. "You know, Tommy really wants to keep certain things from me. It's very hard when you're man and wife. We were late coming down because we were having sex"

Lottie's eyes widened at the information. "Don't think we needed to know that Grace"

"So afterwards, he told me everything" Polly tilted her head. "Royalist Russians buying weapons to fight the Bolsheviks in Georgia. A lost cause, Tommy says"

"And Churchill, that he's the go between. But it's against the government policy so everything must be kept a secret"

"You know its begun" Polly told her, "they started the business tonight?" she continued.

"No" Grace sighed. "I didn't. But you just told me. So thank you. Let's not forget i used to do this for a living"

"None of us forgot Grace, you betrayed my fucking brother. How could we forget" Lottie chuckled, filling up a glass.

"It's only Thomas that's forgotten what you are" Polly said.

A man stepped up to the microphone. "Ladies and gentlemen, the bride and the groom will now dance alone"

Lottie stood tall, looking for Isaiah over the crowd whilst Tommy and Grace began dancing. "Isaiah" she whisper-shouted, grabbing the young boys shoulder. He turned to her.

"Where the fuck have you been" she scolded. "Auroras been getting restless"

"I'm sorry, i was with Tom" he excused, his hand in hers. "Doing what?" Lottie asked, staring him in the eye. He licked his lips, thinking.

Before he could say anything, the man spoke again. "Ladies and Gentlemen, you now join"

Lottie dropped her shoulders in disappointment as Isaiah grabbed both her hands, dragging her to the dance floor.

They slowly swayed to the music.

"Isaiah i don't want you doing anything that could put our daughter at risk" she whispered. "I would never. You know that" he reassured her.

"I want you to be okay Isaiah" she said. He pulled away, cupping her face. "Stop worrying"

"One day, Lottie, we will be married ourself." he smiled, "maybe even have another kid, yeah?"

She nodded slowly, a small smile on her lips. "Promise me, that whatever business you get involved in with Tommy, you'll be careful"

"I promise" he whispered into her ear, his Birmingham accent thick.

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