55 (act four)

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Coppers dragged Michael, John and Arthur from their cells. John resisted, putting up a fight.

"I'm John Shelby" he laughed, moving along. Michaels eyes landed on Arthur through the door. "Micheal" He shouted. "Arthur"

"John" Arthur shouted.

Polly was dragged through to the cellar, she stares at the rope, panic filling her.

All three of the boys froze when they saw the ropes in front of them. Micheal struggled to move as they dragged him.

John swallowed hard as they tightened the rope around his neck.

Michaels breath increased.

"In the bleak midwinter" Arthur whispered. The priest whispers prayers. John kept his eyes closed, trying to remain calm.

The man held the lever that would drop the floor beneath them, turning as another man screamed "Wait"

24th December 1924

"Where are we going" Rory asked as Lottie buttoned up the girls coat. "We are going to see Uncle John" she smiled, fixing the four year olds hair.

"Auntie Ada will be there" she added, standing up and placing a hand on her growing baby bump.

She was pregnant again. Boy this time.

"You ready?" Isaiah asked, leaning on the door frame. Lottie nodded, holding Auroras hand and walking out to the car. "Go on" she whispered to the girl as she jumped into the car.

"Did you put the presents in the car?" Lottie asked. Isaiah nodded, opening the car door for her. She smiled.


"We thought we lost you to the great white way of Broadway" John said to ada, placing his hat on the table. "No" she sighs. "Well, this beats Watery Lane, John" she glanced around the room.

"Does it?" he asked. "Here take a seat i'll grab the kids"

"No it's alright" she said, "not stopping, just wanted to drop those presents off for tomorrow. I don't want words on Christmas Eve"

"You not staying to see Lottie?" he asked. She looked at him. "If she comes before i leave, then yes"

And as if it was magic, Lottie walked through the door, Aurora running inside. "Aunt Ada" she shouted, running into her arm.

"Hello, you" Ada said, hugging the small girl. "Your getting big," Ada smiled at her sisters bump.

John stepped to Lottie who had her arms out.

"It's nice to finally see you" she whispered into his shoulder. "Yeah, it is" he nodded, kneeling to Rory who had hold of his leg.

John nodded at Isaiah. "Youse still coming to the party on New year's eve?" he asked.

"Yeah, probably" Lottie nodded.

"Yeah who else is coming" Ada asked. Esme appeared at the door. "Arthur, Linda-"

"Hello Esme" Ada sighed. "Who paid for your car and driver, Ada?" she asked, leaning on the door.

John sighed, sipping his drink.

"Shelby Company Limited"

"Nice car, treats you well, his last little pet " Esme huffed, she looked at Lottie. "Lottie" she nodded.

"Look this visit is meant for making things all right" Ada looked away. "John had a rope around his neck, he shit himself"

Lottie bit her tongue, swallowing the lump in her throat.

"All right, Esme, that'll do yeah" he stopped her. "Siah, go get the presents" Lottie whispered, allowing the boy to dismiss himself.

"Go on go in the kitchen" John said to Esme. She walked over to Ada. "Take the cars back to the money" she hissed.

Esme walked out.

"Anyway, there's your presents" Ada sighed. Lottie placed a reassuring hand on Johns shoulder. "How's Arthur?" Ada asked.

"Uh, for Christmas get him a sewing kit." John sighed. "So he can sew his fucking balls back on" He covered Rory's ears as he swore.

Lottie smiled at the small gesture.

Ada quickly left.

"How are you" Lottie asked. "The best i can be" He shrugged. "You spoke to Tom?" he asked.

She shook her head.

"Not spoke to him since he got you locked up" Lottie admitted.

They created small talk whilst John dig through his post, opening a card. "Merry Christmas, Luca Changretta" it said. It was a black hand.

"What is it John?" Lottie asked. He ignored her and picked up the phone.

"Arthur," he said "Have you checked your post?" he asked. "I just got served the black hand" he said.

Lottie's heart dropped as she picked up the card beside John, reading it.

"Rory, go find your dad" she whispered to the girl.

"I just got delivered a black fucking hand to the house, from Luca Changretta"

"Jesus" Arthur whispered. Ada looked from Linda to Arthur. "Wait a minute john, which one's Luca?" he asked.

"The old man's only son. He was gonna get done for killing a bank clerk in a robbery, so his old man sent him back to New York. You know what the black hand means among the wops Arthur"

"Its Mafia shit"

Lottie placed a hand on her chest, worry filling her.

"The Sicilian fucking Mafia. Just check your post Arthur"

"John" Lottie whispered. "Lottie, get yourself home, yeah? I'll call you later" he held her shoulders, hugging her quickly. "Merry Christmas" he whispered.

"Me and Isaiah will come round tomorrow morning" she nodded. "Yeah" he agreed, watching his sister leave.

"Did you say Mafia?" Esme asked. "Esme, i need to make a call" He told her. "No" she said. "I need to make a fucking call"

She shoved him out the way, grabbing the card of the counter.

"What the fuck is this?"

He chased after her. "Give me it" he shouted. "Not until you tell me what the fuck it idk

"Give me it"

"What is it?" she asked. "It's from Luca Changretta, Arthur killed his dad"

"I remember" she nodded, "it was tommy who killed him"

"It was fuckin..Arthur pulled the trigger" John shouted. "All right, it was mercy but it was Arthur"

"Anyway it makes no fucking difference" he said. "For the Wops it's family. The black hand came here" he told her. "Everybody will have got one"

"They're coming for us all"


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