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Peaky Blinders charged through the Eden club, attacking people. "Right boys let's go" Arthur shouted.

People began screaming as they watched blood fly everywhere, faces getting slashed.

Arthur smashed a bottle over someone's head.

"Mario!" he shouted, looking around. Mario rushed back up the stairs, "Mario" he repeated, following the man. Mario turned around and Arthur ginned, hitting him in the face with a bottle.

"Come here" he slammed Mario into the bar, glass shattering as he dragged him along.

"Sabini's day is done" Arthur shouted. Arthur grabbed a half smashed glass. "I'll protect you now" He stuck it into the skin on Mario's face.

"Oh shut up" he hissed at the screams, throwing Mario to the floor.

"Stop fucking whinging. Due to my razor blade, and a few complaints from the neighbours" he began, "about the terrible fucking music,"

He dragged Mario from the floor. "Do you wanna tell em or should i" he asked.

"This place is under new management, by order of the peaky blinders" he spoke into the microphone.


Micheal walked into Tommys office. "Micheal" Tommy nodded.

Micheal smiled softly. "Vacancy's been filled" Tommy sipped from a glass. "Not according to this morning paper" Micheal placed it down, clearing his throat.

He sat down.

"At school i was top of the class in mathematics" he stated, "and i did a night school course in accountancy at Worcester College"

Tommy crossed his arms.

"Mum says you've had six different accountant clerks in the last six months" he paused, "when respectable men see the things they do, they leave"

"Well i, like Lizzie out there, already know what you do. Mum said you went to be 80 percent legal within two years"


"I can help" Micheal offered. "I know both sides and you know you can trust me"

"I want to help you Tommy, become legal"


Lottie anxiously paced her bedroom, wiping the tears from under her eyes. She was seventeen, turning 18 in a few months. And recently Lottie had been feeling off.

So she went to see a doctor. That doctor told her something she never would have expected to hear.

Something that had kept her up for days. She needed to tell someone. She needed someone to know that she was pregnant.

Too far along to get rid off it. She had to have the child.

"Fucking hell" she shook her head, deciding to find Polly.

Lottie stopped, not expecting to see her in the kitchen. "What's up, love" she asked, placing down the newspaper.

"Pol i need to talk to you" she whispered. "What's wrong, what's happened" Polly asked. "Promise me you won't get angry"

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