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Lottie stared in the mirror as she wore a black silk dress, a fur coat over it. "Come on Lott, me and Polly are going now" Tommy called to her.

She met them at the door and Tommy put a reassuring arm round her shoulder.

"Can you tell?" she asked. He shook his head. "Don't worry about it" They walked down to the Garrison, it was Michael's 18th birthday today.

"Well, Finn you have got two choices, mild or mild" John asked. "Mild" the boy laughed, shaking his head.

"Here you go"

Lottie was first to sit down beside Arthur in the snug. "You okay?" he asked her and she smiled at him. "Where's Micheal?"

And like magic, the door opened, revealing the boy.

"There he is, Look"

Tommy stood as they began cheering. "Happy birthday Micheal" Tom shook his hand. "Eighteen years old, you're a man today" Arthur shouted.

"Give him a drink John boy"

John handed him a beer, smiling.

"And after that, we will go find you a lady of the night" Arthur scolded. "Arthur" Polly scolded.

"Micheal" Thomas cleared his throat, handing him a box, pocket watch inside. "So you're never late to work"

A grin appeared on Michaels face.

"Welcome to the business Micheal" John welcomed. "Thank you"

"Right come on, let's get him drunk" John grabbed him. "All right, whiskey" Arthur nodded. "No whiskey" Tommy pointed at them.

"He's got work tomorrow give him only dark mild"

"A toast" he lifted his glass. "To Micheal"

Lottie smiled at her brothers and cousin as they messed about, making noise.

"You not drinking Lottie?" Finn asked. She shook her head quickly. "Don't feel like it" she kept her eyes on the table, avoiding his gaze.

The boy frowned, confused. He was the only on in the family apart from Micheal that didn't know.


Lottie, John, Arthur and Polly walked into the house, looking at Tom. "You alright?" she asked him. John took Lottie's jacket from her shoulder and hung it up.

Tommy placed a paper on the table, pouring a glass of whiskey. "What is it, just us?" Arthur asked.

"Just us" Tommy nodded. "Are we celebrating?" Pol asked him.

"Just taste this" He told them, handing them all a glass. Lottie stared at the liquid in the glass, refusing to put it anywhere near her lips.

Arthur and John sat, drinking it.

"What do you think Arthur?"

"Yeah it's good, good stuff, really nice" he sighed. "Too good for the Garrison. I suppose we could shift it to toffs in the Eden club" he suggested. "Why, what is it"

"That is part of an export drive" he pointed. Lottie smelt the glass, the smell knocking her sick.

"We now have our secure warehouse in Camden town, and secure passage to the poplar docks. So Monday morning, we'll be sending out our first export crate"

"A crate of Riley car spares, bound for halifax, Nova Scotia"

"Where there is prohibition?" Polly mentioned. "Where there is prohibition" Tommy nodded, repeating her sentence.

"All over Canada and America, people are making their own booze, in bath tubs. But rich people in New York, in Toronto and Boston, are still paying a lot of money for the real stuff"

"Do you mind if i go back home? Not feeling well" Lottie interrupted. Tommy looked at her for a moment before nodding.

She quickly left the house and walked back toward watery lane. Lottie stopped at a corner, holding her mouth as her stomach churned.

She shook her head, making the last few steps and unlocking the door.

Lottie stopped when she saw Micheal sat at the table with a cup of tea. "Oh, Micheal, hi" she smiled, taking her boots off.

"You okay? Don't look too good" he asked. She took a deep breath. "If i tell you something, you can't go round telling people outside the family" Lottie pointed at him.

He nodded slowly and watched as she sat down.

"I'm pregnant, Micheal" she said. "Are you not happy?" he asked. She shrugged. "I'm too young, not ready"

Micheal looked at her for a moment, thinking. "Well from what i've seen of you over the past week, i think you'll be an amazing mother, Lottie"

She sighed, placing her hands round the back of her neck.

"I'm just scared, i've not even told the dad yet"

"Why? Are you not sure if it's his?"

"No" she shouted. "I mean, yeah i do but people keep asking me that as if i'm some sort of whore and i'm not"

"Oh- i didn't think you were..a whore" he raised his eyebrows. "Oh" she whispered. "I'm afraid he will leave" she added.

He bit his lip thinking, "Who is it?" he asked. "Isaiah Jesus, the preachers son" she sighed. "I've been with him for three years"

"Ive not seen much of him" he nodded, "but the longer you wait to tell him, the more it will hurt if it goes wrong" he said.

"Where the fuck did you come from Micheal, i refuse to believe you have Shelby blood in you" she laughed, "your too nice"

He gave her a smile, leaning back in his seat. "Your pregnant?" Finn appeared at the door, wide eyes.

"Fucking hell how long have you been stood there" Lottie squealed. "Long enough" He said, crossing his arms. "It's Isaiahs?"

She nodded.

"Don't tell him, please," she begged, grabbing her brothers hands. "Well he needs to know" he argued. "Yes. I know! And i'll tell him when i'm ready, Finn, please"

He let out a breath, throwing his head back. "Fine"

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