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Lottie slowly closed the large door behind her, leaning her back against it. She ran a hand through her hair and finally pushed herself away from the wooden frame and toward the stairs.

"Where's Isaiah?" she asked one of the passing maids. "In your bedroom, Ma'am"

She let out a breath and forced her tired body up to the bedroom, pushing the door open. "How'd the family meeting go?" Isaiah asked, placing a pile of clothes on the bed.

"John fucking cut the Changretta boy" she whispered, rubbing her forehead. Isaiah stared at her.

He stood in front her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders and pulling her forward. "Come on" he whispered, rubbing her back. "I'm so tired" she said, holding the back of his under shirt.

"I know, Lottie, i know" he kissed the top of her head, he lifted her up, her legs wrapping around his torso. "How's Rory?" she asked.

"Rory's fine" he said, carefully laying Lottie on the bed and laying beside her.

"I'm so scared he's going to get himself killed, Siah" Lottie said quietly, her head resting on his chest. "What he did was stupid, i don't disagree, but your brothers know what to do" He played with the ends of her hair.

"They'll be fine"

"I want Aurora to grow up knowing who her family were, what they were like. Not what their graves look like"

Isaiah lay thinking. "I want you to marry me, Lottie" he said. She sat up, frowning at the sudden change in topic.

"What?" she half smiled. "Lottie Shelby i want to marry you" he repeated. "Isaiah-"

He sat up, leaning on his elbow. "Lottie Shelby will you marry me" he asked again. Her smile widened, nodding quickly.

She cupped his face, leaning down and kissing him. A small laugh came from his mouth as he held the back of her neck. "Yes, Isaiah Jesus, i'll fucking marry you" Lottie said as she pulled away.

"I was hoping you'd say that" he grinned, kissing her again but stopping when cries came from Rory's bedroom.

He closed his eyes, sighing. "I'll go" he nodded, getting off the bed and going to see to their child. Lottie's fingers met her lips, smiling widely at the previous interaction.

She was nineteen years old with a two year old child. And soon to be married. She was so young, but being young doesn't matter in the Shelby family.


"We will keep Aurora here at home tonight, is that okay?" Lottie asked as she turned away from the mirror. Isaiah's eyes scanned her body, admiring the dress that she was wearing for the Charity dinner.

"Isaiah?" she asked. "Hm?" he looked up. "Rory, is it okay if she stays with the maids tonight?" Lottie repeated her question.

"Yeah" he nodded, "That's fine" Isaiah took one last look at her dress before leaving her to continue getting ready.

One of the maids stood behind her, pinning a piece of her hair that had fell loose.

"Miss Shelby," she began, "you look..beautiful"

"Thank you," Lottie grinned, rubbing her hands over the fabric. "I suppose i best get going, the cars outside" she spoke, thanking the woman another time and rushing downstairs.

"You ready?" She asked Isaiah who was already at the open door. "I am, you look amazing" he smiled, placing a hand on the small of her back, leading her out to the car.


John walked through the crowd, Arthur and Finn close behind whilst he downed the last of his drink.

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