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"Mr Shelby" Jimmy began, "My bullets ache to get inside your tinker head" he said, standing on his boat and singing. Tommy raised an eyebrow, watching as he pointing his gun at him.

Jimmy put the gun back, grabbing a white flag and stepping off the boat.

"You know it's a pity, i was looking forward to killing you" he said. "You're at the back of a long queue" Tommy sighed. "My white flag is a flag of truce, yours is more a flag of surrender"

"Whatever you say Mr McCavern, the colour is the same, the outcome is the same. I believe we have friends in common. We should postpone our war"

"Your brother left me a hand grenade"

"He sends his apologies. You left me land mines"

"For which i too apologise"

"Peace it is" Tommy nodded. "Your message says you wanted to seal our peace with some business"

"Since we're men of similar interests and distribution networks, i thought we might use our temporary settlement for our mutual benefit" Tommy began. "You stand in a yard full of scrap metal and stolen goods, and you talk like a politician"

"No, nothing here is stolen, Mr McCavern. Charlie simply finds things before they're lost" Tommy corrected, pulling out a piece of appear. "The nature of the deal is explained in my proposal, i've booked you a suite at the Midland Hotel, if you need anything in this city, just mention my name"

"So you want to impress me, Mr Shelby?" he asked. "Isiah" he shouted, pointing to the boy on the hill. "Also in the envelope i'd a cheque, for £500 for your wife. She can use it to buy a black dress, rent a black horse with black feathers to pull a black carriage with your body in it should you break the terms of the white flag"

"Now please, enjoy the city, it's my honour to represent"

Tommy nodded at Isaiah and walked away, leaving Jimmy alone.


"This well, i managed to get to the people, York and Lincoln City. I mean they're teams that will lose. I got to the.." Billy spoke quick.

"All right take your time" Arthur nodded. Billy inhaled.

"I got to the goalkeepers. They all said five pounds is enough. I..erm..I've written to the people at Tranmere Rovers because the phone you've put into my house stopped working. So i'm gonna need another one of those" He said shakily.

"Okay" Arthur hummed. "Once we've got that fixed, eh, then we'll have all the names and numbers of the first division referees."

"The first?"


"Shit" he repeated multiple times. Arthur placed a hand on his shoulder. "Billy, come on, come on, listen to me. Come on now, no need for that, hm"

"Yeah" he whispered.

"We need you to find out what they like. You know, what gets em going. Cause a lot of them are comfortable. A fivers nothing to them. We need you to find out what they really like, Billy. Cause we can offer them that. Yeah, Shelby Company Limited, we can offer them all the lovely things people like"

"We can also offer them protection, from the things they don't like"

"You ever touch my family, ever," Billy whispered.

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