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We drove not too long of a distance, maybe a 20 minute or so drive. Jisung had his own house with Minho. They were roommates, they've appearntly known each other since they were born practically. Funny enough they were born in the same hospital, rooms being coincidentally right next to each other.

As Jisung pulled into his garage spot he looked at me.

"Are you sure you're okay? I mean okay with being here, I know I practically pressured you into coming but I wanna make sure you're comfortable"

I looked at him in the eyes and he looked at mine back. Water began to cover my eyes, tears threatening to roll down my face.

"Oh innie" he put a hand on my shoulder and rubbed it.

I wasn't sobbing but I definitely was letting some tears out. I rubbed my hand over my nose as salty tears rand down.

"Innie? Look at me" I looked Jisung once again in his eyes. His dark brown eyes looking into my just as dark brown eyes.

"You can always ask for my help no matter in what way, you understand?" He whispered.

Our eye contact didn't let up. I could feel his hands crawl from my shoulder to my neck. A sudden tension surrounding us. A very strong sexual tension.

"We both need this." I nodded, not disagreeing. I did need this, I wanted appreciation and love after what happened in any way shape or form I could get.

I fluttered my eyes close as our lips met. It was a long, smooth and passionate kiss. I moved my lips, in suite Jisung followed. A couple tears that were left sitting in my eyes, fell still from my face intertwining in our shared kiss.

It was a soft kiss, tentative at first, but then it deepened.

I felt his tongue swipe against my bottom lip, wanting permission to enter my mouth. I willingly let his tongue roam my mouth. Our tongues danced around each other.

Jisungs hand came to rest on my cheek, the warmth of his skin seeping into his palm.

We both unbuckled our seatbelts trying to get better access to each other. His free hand finding its way to my waist. A big wave of heat consumes me from head to toe.

His tongue worked in my mouth like magic. I whimpered when he bit my lip. Jisung hit the steering wheel, accidentally causing a honk. We broke away immediately, pulling back, we were both left panting slightly.

"Sorry-" Jisung says removing his hands from me. "I just," He gripped the steering wheel, putting his forehead on it.

"It's okay" I mumbled. He sighed heavily.

"I don't know what got into me innie I'm really sorry"

"Jisung it's fine, seriously I'm not mad or anything I swear"

We looked at each other with a red blush covering my cheeks as I was still flustered by our acts. He nodded and smiled, I smiled back.

"Well let's get inside yeah?" I say, he chuckles opening his door, I follow not too long after.

We walk in the house seeing three males and two girls in the living room.

One of the males catches my eye almost immediately. It was almost like the Marilyn Monroe effect, he had such attractive features.

My heart skips a beat as I catch sight of him, a magnetic force pulling my gaze towards him. His brown hair cascades effortlessly, framing a sharp jawline that accentuates his strong features.

His piercing brown eyes meet mine, drawing me in with an intensity that sends shivers down my spine. He looks to be taller than me, his broad shoulders and muscular build exuding confidence and strength.

I feel a flutter of nerves mixed with excitement as our eyes lock. I can't help but be captivated by his presence, my mind racing with thoughts of what could be.

"Finally you guys made it!" A female yelled.

"We were about to start without you guys" Minho looked at Jisung.

I looked at both said males and noticed a hard awkwardness between them, maybe even a hint of attitude.

"Yeah well thanks for waiting" Jisung said plainly, taking a seat next to a rather shorter male.

"Guys this is my friend Jeongin," Jisung pointed to me, all eyes drawn on me, even the pair that had caught my eye when I walked in.

"Hi" my voice was smaller than usual due to the sudden attention put on me.

"Hi! My name is Yeji!" She waved to me and wrapped an arm around the girl next to her "this is my girlfriend Ryujin"

"Hi" Ryujin said blandly, she looked already high.

"I'm Changbin and that's my roommate Chan" the short when said.

I quickly greeted Chan and Changbin and took a seat between Minho and Ryujin, coincidentally right across from Chan.

"Well! Let's get this shit started," everyone chuckled at Changbin.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★



Do you think Jisung has hidden feelings for Jeongin?

What's going on between Minho and Jisung?

What's up with this Chan guy?

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𝙵𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚐, 𝙵𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚎𝚗 | JEONGCHANWhere stories live. Discover now