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     I slowly widened the door that led to the room Chan was in. As I opened it I saw Chan laying on the bed one leg off of it, while on his phone. He stopped whatever he was doing and took notice of me. I froze not knowing what to say.

"Uh I was getting a headache and thought I should join you up here" I said slowly walking inside the room.

     He just stared at me up and down like he did when we were all sat together. My heart beat picked up incredibly fast.

"Close the door, they're loud as fuck right now" he said resuming doing whatever he was on his phone.

     I closed the door and took a seat in one of the chairs in the corner of the room. I watched his hands as he typed. I also took note of how his tongue moved inside his mouth, poking his cheek. His lips were full and looked soft.

"So are you high yet?"

"Huh? oh, I don't think so.."

     He hummed putting his phone down. He sat up, one leg still hanging over the bed.

"Hm, is this really your first time smoking?" I nodded.

"Wow you got some guts kid" My face contorted at the name 'kid'.

"I'm 22, I'm not a kid"

"I'm 27" he yawned.

"Oh shit, you're kinda old." I giggled.

"Oh please," he rolled his eyes "you and Seungmin would get along very well." My eyes widened at his statement.

"You know Seungmin!?" I stood up covering my mouth.

"I know of a Seungmin, not sure if it's the same one" he said.

     I walked over to the bed getting on it. I sat criss cross facing him.

"The Seungmin I know well he's very sassy and serious at times, even though he's my boss but he's low-key my friend-"

"You talk a lot for someone having a headache" he smirked.

"Oh..yeah i-"

"Your eyes are red as hell"

     As soon as he pointed that out I felt a huge sense of relaxation coming down on me. Like a light switch my demeanor was totally different. The feeling I was experiencing was like nothing I've ever felt before. It was so soothing it flowed over me like water.

"Chan?" I said a small smile appeared on my face.


"Hi" I laughed.

     Everything became so funny to me, I couldn't understand why. I turned into a huge giggling mess for about ten minutes straight. Chan just watched with a small smile on his face as well.

"Chan~" I started crawling to him. He watched intently.

"Are you high?" I asked him lazily. I sat right next to his leg playing with his loosely fitted pants.

"Yeah" he responded.

"You don't look high~" I slurred "Am I higher than you?"

"You probably are," he put his one leg hanging off the bed on to the bed.

"How high am I?" I asked.

"Very high baby"

"Mmm" I hummed and started laughing again.

     I laid my head on Chan's legs, continuing to play with his jeans. I felt so good. My eyes were droopy though and I could barely keep them open.



"Can I call you channie?"


"Why not channie panty" I giggled.

"Don't call me that Jeongin, I'm serious" He strictly said.

     I pouted and was upset that he was mad at me. Tears started to form in my eyes. I sat up and crossed my arms away, looking in a different direction than his.


"You're mean-"

"Fine you can call me channie" he let out leaning his head back on the frame of the bed.

"Yay!" I yelled.

     I sat up and hopped on Chan's lap. He grunted at the sudden action. His hands immediately put themselves on my waist. I put my chin on his shoulder and hands on his chest. He felt so warm and comfortable.

"Channie you're so hot~" I whimpered a bit.

     I felt his hands sneak lower from my waist to my hips. He gently rubbed them in circles very slowly. I shifted on him causing both of us to groan from the friction of our lower areas.

"Don't move like that" he scolded.

     I didn't listen to him my mind was focused on how well he smelt. I leaned closer into his neck. I was so tempted to kiss his neck and bite it, but I was capable of controlling myself... For a while.

"Channie, I'm really lonely you know" I murmured into his ear.

     I moved my hips down on him. A slow growing in his pants forming and poking my ass a bit.

"Jeongin you're high-"

"I know I'm high," I cut him off pulling away from his neck. "I'm also horny and lonely"

     He looked at me, his eyes and whole attitude changing. My heart skipped a beat when he flipped us. He hovered over me, his silver necklace dangling. Seeing him from this view was so flattering.

"Jeongin are you sure you're okay with-"

     I pressed my lips on his, the soft and slow kiss depleting. Soon being replaced by a rough sloppy make out. I gripped my hands in his dark brown hair earning a loud grunt from him. He kept one hand by the side of my head and the other holding my waist.

     I wrapped my legs around his waist trying to get friction on my now boner. I wanted to feel all of him. I didn't care in that moment whether I was high or sober, definitely was high though.

     He pulled away from me rather quickly. I whimpered at the missing touch of his soft lips on mine. He moved down to my neck and started biting and sucking my skin.

     My heavy breath and few moans filled the room as well as the sounds of the bed squeaking. Chan lifted his head looking at me. His eyes glistened while staring at mine.

"Can you get pregnant?"

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Why doesn't Chan like being called Channie?

Is Jeongin going to lie?

Will they get caught?

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𝙵𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚐, 𝙵𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚎𝚗 | JEONGCHANWhere stories live. Discover now