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"Are you okay?" Chan sudden voice breached through my dissociating.

     I was pale, does he know? Could he hear me? Oh God please tell me he doesn't know.

"Yeah I just, something in the salad made me feel sick." I stuttered.

"Mm, well excuse me I need to use the restroom." He moved past me going into the bathroom.

     I let out a long breath, putting a hand over my chest. Relief of him no longer questioning me felt all too well. Trembling as I went back to our table I found Changbin and Minho were gone only Jisung being left.

"Oh they all left," I awkwardly laughed, trying to give myself a sense of normalcy after what I did.

"Yeah! They paid for the bill but I wanted to talk to you about something"

     My breath hitched. "Yeah?" I was quick to bring my nails to my sore arm that was already abused from earlier by myself. Slowly I scratched deep, the stinging feeling giving me a feeling of control over the situation.

"Minho's little cousin needs a place to stay right now so, we were wondering if you'd be okay moving in with Chan" my eyes widened.

"I mean—yes? I—"

"I know! I know! It's probably very sudden but Chan is looking for a roommate anyways"

     The scratching only intensified. The burning sensation keeping me sane.

"Yeah I'm cool with it" I smiled stiffly.

"Um another thing, it'd have to be tomorrow you move in with him..." We both went quiet.

"Alright...does he know already? That I'd be moving in with him?"

     Jisung nodded and explained to me how they all talked it over. My face contorted a bit realizing that they all talked about this without me. They make me feel like a patient or something...

"Why didn't you guys come to me about this?"

"You're clearly not in the best state of yourself, Jeongin. You need to be with someone that you can trust."

I scoffed, pausing the scratching. "How do you know that I can trust him—"

"I heard you two fucking that day we smoked weed, so yes I think you'd be able to trust him."

     My nails felt like they were burning, longing to be dragged across my already peeled arm again.

"Fine I'll move in with him tonight. It's not like I have much, just grab my suitcases and bring them to his place."

     It was a strange mix of pleasure and pain, and it started to take control of me. I no longer tried to hide the profusely scratching, getting lost in it. Dissociating and loosing focus on my surroundings. Drowning out every noise I heard.

     I had to scratch harder, deeper, hoping to reach the source of this torment. The scratching became more frantic, the scratches I could feel forming angry lines along my flesh.


     My wrists were suddenly snatched. I flinched looking at who grabbed me, I looked up to see the dark brown haired male, Chan.

"Jeongin what the fuck?!" Jisung yelled.

     I looked at Jisung wondering why he was cursing me out. I moved my gaze to where his were—my arm.

     The sleeve of my shirt pulled down revealing a horrible redding. On top of that a few signs of blood starting to tear through.

     I bit my lips not knowing what to say.

I can't let them find out.

Don't let them find out.

They'll hate you.

"Sorry, I just had a really bad itch" I quickly took my arms away from Chan.

"That's a pretty strange method of relieving the itch, you've been doing that since we got here."

     My eyes narrowed, as I became even more nervous at how observant Chan was to my tendencies. I said nothing.

"Well, me and Jeongin were talking over the plans of him moving in with you. He said he's okay with it so we can get his bags tonight and you can take care of the rest."  Jisung said rather very professionally.

"Aight" Chan responded, very casually compared to Jisung.

"You'll come with me in my car." Chan said.

     Slowly letting my wrists go. I didn't argue anything back. We walked out of the restaurant and to the cars. The drive was quick and a very smooth pick up of my luggage was made.

     Now it was time to head towards Chan's place.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★



Does Chan know all about Jeongins habits?

Will Chan and Jeongins get closer?

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𝙵𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚐, 𝙵𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚎𝚗 | JEONGCHANWhere stories live. Discover now