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Sam opened her eyes and felt weight on her ... She looked down and Agni was sleeping peacefully on her chest...

Unknowingly a smile slipped from her lips and she carresed his head... He snuggled more into her bossom....

Both of their bodies are entangled with each other comfortably...

Sam looking at his face and thinking deeply about the relationship between them...

Sam mv: what's going on between us? It's going on more like relationship but I couldn't stay away from him... I couldn't imagine a life without him... But at the same time I can't love him... What if he left me? I can't take it... i ... Can't see him with another girl ..  i wanted to be selfish in this matter I don't want him to see another girl....

She leaned down and kissed his nose tip... he scrunched his face and turned his back towards her...

She hugged him from behind and encircled her legs around him... He pulled her hands to his chest and kissed it in his sleep ... She kissed his back and started to kiss his neck...

Suddenly a idea striked in her head... She snuggled more into him from behind and started to kiss and suck his neck and stopped after sometime and noticed the newly gave hickey with satisfaction...

Sam mv: good... Now everyone knows he is already having someone special in his life ...

Suddenly a sleepy voice asked,

Agni: ippo happy ah madam... Now everyone will know i belong to a girl who is 3 and half feet...

He turned towards her and looked at her with raised eyebrows... Sam gapped at him for being caught and tried to remove her legs around him but he clutched her thighs and pulled her more towards him...

She gasped feeling his manhood on her entrance... He pulled her more towards him and his manhood slightly went inside her .. she clutched his shoulders and gasped a little...

Agni: you claimed me by giving this hickey, right? Now it's time for me to claim you....

Before she say anything he trusted his hard shaft inside her making her scream a little and her nails scratched his back....

Agni: f*** you are always ready for me don't you baby? Ah?

He started to move inside and out slowly making her but her lips to moan out loudly....

Sam: please... 

Agni: please what babe?

Sam; move fastly please...

Agni lifted her and pinned her to the glass wall and asked,

Agni: who do you belong to?

Sam: you ...

Sam tried to move her hip to go fastly but he pinned her on place...

Agni: try again... Who do you belong to?

Sam : you aththaan... I belong to you only you ...

Agni: that's f******* right...

He trusted inside roughly and whispered in her ears...

Agni: you... Only..... Belongs.... To... Me...

He started to f**** her roughly against the wall... She encircled her legs around him... When he felt her walls he started to moved Inside her fastly and groaned loudly & spilled his seeds inside her deeply...

Sam: ah... Aththaan....

Both of them stood there like that for sometime... He tried to move away from her but she tightened her legs around him and crashed her lips on his and started to kiss him deeply to which he reciprocated happily.. their kiss started to get heated and she came feel him getting hard inside her again....

HER DEVIL & HIS ANGEL - DARK LOVE SERIES Where stories live. Discover now