Chapter 8: The Last Relationships

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Time past slowly but in the end the day had arrived and Everest moved in with the rest of the crew. "It's going to be fun." Skye said to the Husky as she parked her vehicle. "Can't wait for the girl night we planned. Only we knew where Ella is." She replied. "She said that there is traffic on the highway. I was thinking about going after them with my helicopter but that would be rude towards Al." Skye explained. "I agree. And anyway we have all day 'till night. Let's play something." Everest proposed. "Let me ask Snowball if he wants to join." Skye said. "Isn't he taking lessons from Marshall?" Everest asked. "Of that's right! I forgot about that." She realized. "Did they slow down since the last time?" Everest asked as she expected them to be done with the lessons by now. "Well you see it's hard to teach someone when you are madly in love." Skye giggled. "Oh he was thinking about me?" Everest smiled. "I had Chase remind him that is important for everyone to teach Snowball English." Skye continued to giggle. Everest joined and soon the two girls were laughing. Just as they calmed down Skye saw Marshall and Snowball approaching them. "Speaking of who. Hey boys!" Skye said. "Hi mommy. Hi Everest." Snowball greeted them. Now he was bigger than Skye but still smaller than everyone else. Skye hugged her son. "My little fur ball is finally taking." She said happily. "I want to ask you to talk with him as simple as possible. He can do basic conversations but does not understand more complex sentences or slang." Marshall said. "And here is my fur ball. I missed you Marshall." Everest said licking his face. "I missed you too Everest." Marshall said pinning her down and nuzzling her. "I see your back is fine now." She remarked. "It still feels funny sometimes and it itches a bit every now and then but otherwise yeah." Marshall explained getting off her. "Glad you're okay Marshall. And thanks for teaching Snowball how to speak." Skye smiled. "Thank you. And no need to thank me anything, I'm glad I can help." The Dalmatian said. "Mommy? Can I go with Zuma to the beach?" Snowball asked. "Go ask Ryder sweetie. But you have my permission." Skye said and with that she let him go find Ryder. "He is a sweetheart isn't he?" Skye said. "Wait until he grows up. He will be hard to keep in check." Everest warned her best friend. "You still owe us an explanation for why you resent wolves." Skye said. "Of course if you want to talk about it." Marshall said giving Skye a serious look. "It's okay. Let me just gather all my calmness and try not to get emotional." She started.

On the other side of the building Ryder and Rocky were sorting components for the generator. "Seems we have all we need now." Ryder said. "Yeah. We start now or it will wait until tomorrow?" Rocky asked. "Well maybe tomorrow. Katie asked me to take her to the Jungle. Tracker has some problems with his paw. "Oh poor Tracker. He lately gets injured a lot. He doesn't deserve any of that." Rocky said. "No he doesn't. I will ask him what's up with him lately." Ryder said. "Ryder!" A voice called out. "Yes Snowball?" The boy replied. "Can I go with Zuma to the beach?" He asked. "Sure. Tell Zuma to come back with you before the sun sets." Ryder said. "Thank you Ryder!" The little wolf jumped in the air with joy on his face. "No problem. Enjoy your day Snowball." Ryder said to him then jumped into his ATV and before driving away he let them know that he will be back before dinner. Everest, Marshall and Skye saw Ryder driving away and went up to Rocky. "Where is Ryder going?" Everest asked. "He went after Katie and together are going to Tracker. Apparently he hurt himself." Rocky explained. "Again?" Marshall asked. "That's what I said." Rocky said. "Poor Tracker. He doesn't deserve what is happening to him." Skye let out with a bitter sigh. "Little dude you ready to go?!" A voice shouted from behind them. As they turned they saw Zuma ready to go to the beach. "Yes!" Snowball said excitedly. "Zuma can I have a word with you?" Skye said. The two stepped aside to talk and Zuma realized that this is going to be serious because Skye put up her poker face. "Listen we knew each other for so long and this is why I trust you with Snowball. But. I want him back in one piece and if I see any sort of damage on him, Chase and I will teach you a lesson. Understand?" Skye said with a serious tone. This shook Zuma since he never seen this side of her before. The Labrador had no idea what to say. Finally he moved his neck to see the little wolf waiting. "Little dude. Today might be a bad day for going to the beach. Maybe some other day." Zuma let out chuckling trying to mask the fact that he was scared for his safety. Then he hit the dash and ran away. Snowball sat down disappointed while Marshall and Everest looked at Skye with disbelief as they never guessed that she could be so aggressive towards her friends. She walked back to the group and the two older pups started scolding her. "This was not very nice Skye. Zuma is your best male friend." Everest said. "And you made Snowball disappointed." Marshall added. "Maybe I went too far. But I really don't want my little fur ball to get hurt." Skye said nuzzling Snowball. "We get it Skye. And we see that you love Snowball but that doesn't mean you should drop the bonds that you built with the others." Marshall said. Skye let out a sigh and attempted to contact Zuma. "Yes?" Zuma asked after answering the call. "Zuma I want to apologize for my behavior. I shouldn't have talked with you like that." Skye apologized. "Look Skye. You are one of my best friends. So I will forgive you. But please ease up. Nobody wants to hurt Snowball." Skye sighed in relief. "Deal." Skye said.

A bit later Zuma and Snowball got ready for the day at the beach. As they were ready to leave the two and the rest of the crew exited the lookout and at the same time Ella arrived and with her was an unexpected guest. "Hey friends what's up?" Liberty asked. "Hey Liberty! You here?" Rocky asked. "Yeah I came to visit. It's good to see you Rocky." She replied. Chase pushed him gently to attract his attention. When Rocky looked at him Chase nodded communicating him to make a move. "So Liberty. Would you like to me to take a look on your moped?" Rocky asked. "Actually yeah. It makes strange noises after hitting 60 miles per hour." Liberty replied. "Okay. Let me see  what can I do." Rocky said and the two went to the vehicle. "We are about to see how much rizz does a mechanic have." Zuma commented. Ella walked next to him and started talking with him. "If you ask me I'm more interested in your rizz." Ella let out taking Zuma by surprise. The rest of the team took two steps back. "I have no real rizz. I just like people. And I like you the most." Zuma said. Ella giggled and hugged him. "What are you planning to do today?" She asked.  "I'm taking the little guy to the beach." Zuma let out looking at Snowball. "May I join?" Ella asked. "I don't know. I'm kinda tasked to have an eye on the little guy." Zuma explained. "How about I come with you three and I have an eye on him while you two bond?" A voice said. As they turned to the direction of the voice they saw Tuck. "Oh brother! You made it." Ella exclaimed. "Finding a parking spot for Al's truck was hard but we found one. So what do you say? It's okay this way?" Tuck asked. The two nodded and do did Skye and Chase. "Can we go now?" Snowball said a bit annoyed. The pups laughed and the four left for the beach.

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