Chapter 10: The Beast Awakens

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I was a Wednesday noon. The town was quiet, everyone either worked or just relaxed. The day was good great with nobody needing assistance nor saving. At the lookout on the other hand things are anything but great. Snowball had their fifth argument that day and a sixth was about to start. "I can't believe you Snowball. You must have something against me at this point." Chase said holding back his anger. "Yeah I do! You are smaller and weaker than me yet I should listen to your commands!" The wolf yelled. "Watch your tone 'cuz I didn't yelled at you yet. Don't make me start now." Chase growled. "Okay you two. Time to let this go." Ryder said getting between the two. "Snowball it's not the power and size that you should follow his commands for. He is older than you and he took care of you since you were barely more then an infant." Ryder said. Snowball growled and turned away. "Sorry for the scene Ryder." Chase said. "It's okay Chase. He needs to realize that you want the best for him." Ryder said. "Best for me?! He barely showed any affection towards me since I started talking. And now he acts like that never happened and I just have to obey him. Don't make me laugh." Snowball snapped at them. "My little furry ball please calm down. You two were arguing since this morning. I'm afraid that you two might end up hurting each other." Skye stepped in front of the wolf. Snowball laid down and let her hug him. I'm grateful for everything you two did for me. I would never hurt you two or any of my friends." Snowball said. Chase walked up to them. Skye noticed him and motioned him to join. Snowball didn't want this but for the sake of Skye he let Chase hug him. Oddly for him it felt good. He started thinking that his grudge against Chase was unjustified. "How about we go see Everest and Marshall? You two can bond some more on the way." Skye proposed. The two male looked at each other then nodded. "Let's hope it goes well." Rubble mumbled.

High on the mountain Everest and Marshall were playing hide and seek. It was the first round and Marshall was the one to count, but once he reached 50 he turned around to see that Everest was deep in her thoughts and didn't move an inch. "Is something wrong?" Marshall asked her and this made her snap back to reality. "I'm sorry Marshall. I was only thinking about Snowball." She said. "You still don't trust him?" Marshall sat next to her and nuzzled her. "It's not about trust. Wolves are different from pups. Different instincts and nobody taught him how to resist them. It's a matter of time before someone gets hurt because of this." Everest shared her concerns with the Dalmatian. "You have a point. You should help him with that." Marshall proposed. Everest taught for a second but in the end she decided to change the subject. "We were playing hide and seek right? I should have hide." Everest realized. "Yeah. Let's try again." Marshall responded. The Dalmatian turned around and started counting. Everest ran to hide in a bush but a branch cut her making her jump out of her hiding spot. Marshall noticed and came up to her to assist. "Are you okay?" Marshall asked. A branch cut my scar." She complained looking at the stomach that was bleeding a little. "Let's get you some alcohol and a bandage." Marshall said.

Skye, Chase and Snowball were walking on the main road up to Jake's mountain chatting. "See Snowball. Chase is not a bad person." Skye said. "I guess." Snowball replied. "It's okay. You don't have to like me. I only need is your respect." Chase said. Snowball stopped and by extension the two pups. "What's wrong?" Skye asked. After a few moments of silence the wolf's stomach started growling. "I'm hungry." Snowball giggled. The two pup laughed with joy. "I believe Jake can feed you with something. Let's go then." Chase said. The three resumed their walk and were close to the middle when a rabbit jumped out of the bushes right in front of them. "Oh she is so cute!" Skye said. Snowball on the other hand didn't share that feeling. He would have described the animal more like appetizing. "That rabbit is going to be a nice little snack." Snowball said and like he was in a trance he slowly approached the rabbit. "Snowball what are you doing?" Chase asked. "No leave her alone!" Skye shouted. This scared the rabbit away and made Snowball rush after it. "Damn it we got to save the rabbit." Skye said running after Snowball and then rabbit followed by Chase. The rabbit was trying her best to lose her chaser by jumping in and out of bushes and doing zigzags which were effective do to the lack of experience in hunting on Snowball's part. He kept slipping when trying to make a sharp turn and momentarily increasing the distance between him and his prey. In the meantime Chase and Skye kept yelling for Snowball to stop chasing the rabbit but their son had tunnel vision and could not hear them and kept chasing the rabbit. Although she was able to avoid getting caught for a long time the wolf was just too fast and ended up running into her with full force. The rabbit was flying out of the woods and landed in a small glade in the middle of the forest. Before the she could get up Snowball pinned her down. "Gotcha. You are going to be a great snack." Snowball said and lowered his head fast and tried to bite into her neck. *Snap* the sound traveled far but it was not the rabbit's neck that snapped. The sound of bone snapping was followed by a cry of pain. The sound snapped out the wolf the state he was in and was panicking when he saw what he bit into. "Mom?!" Snowball mumbled with Skye in his mouth. He quickly put her down and saw the damage he had done. "My back!" Skye yelled in pain. Snowball had snapped her spine. "Oh God! Mom I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to." Snowball said talking a few steps back. The rabbit took the chance and ran away. Skye was crying in pain bleeding from the bite marks on her back. Chase arrived too late. He ran to her worried. "Skye. It's okay. It's going to be okay." Chase said not knowing what to do. "I can't feel my back legs." She said between her cries. "Let me carry her back to town." Snowball said approaching the two. Chase stood up and growled at him. "You did enough!" He yelled. "You are irresponsible and can't control yourself! Look what you have done. Get lost! Leave her alone!" Chase finished and turned around to try and help Skye. The words spoken by Chase were true but the tone and the fact that he said to him to get lost angered him to the point that he snapped. As Chase was nuzzling Skye trying to calm her down Skye was whipping her tears and that is when she saw it. "Chase watch out!" She yelled but it was too late. As Chase turned around Snowball bit around his neck trying to choke him. Chase was helpless as he was choked but this was not the worst part. The wolf slammed him to the ground and dragged him on the dirt and rocks that cut his back wounding him. Then he threw Chase making him collide with a big rock breaking his front leg. As Chase tried to stand up he was met by Snowball's claws which ripped out his left eye out of the socket. Chase was in a lot of pain but did not yelled once. Snowball resumed his choking. He was close to end Chase as he was choking two feet above the ground with Snowball's jaw around his neck, when a voice snapped out him from this rage state. It was Skye who was imploring him to stop. Snowball then realized what happened and let go of Chase who landed on his side trying to catch his breath. Snowball took steps back in shock. "It's okay honey." Skye tried to calm him down. As the wolf stepped back he stepped in a puddle. He looked down and saw all the blood on his fur. Blood that was Skye's and Chase's. "Snowball." A weak voice called his name, he looked up to see Chase talking to him. "I'm sorry..." The wolf said tearing up and ran away into the woods. "Snowball come back!" Skye yelled after him but he didn't come back. "Chase to the Paw Patrol. We need medical assistance Skye and I were attacked." Chase said into his pup tag limping towards Skye being barely conscious. "We are on our way. Who or what attacked you and were is Snowball?" Ryder said worried. "He was the one Ryder. Chase let out before losing consciousness.

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