Chapter 5: Feelings

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It was around five o'clock in the afternoon. The people of the town started swarming the streets every single one coming out of their workplaces. As the sidewalk got busier two pups walked closer to the buildings to avoid the crowd. "Wow the streets are busy today aren't they?" Skye said to her teammate. "Rush hours." Chase said looking around for a short cut or a way to avoid the crowd when he saw an alley. "Follow me!" Chase turned to Skye and entered a alley. She followed him but the alley wasn't familiar to her. "I've never been here before." She pointed out. "I've been. Years ago with Marshall. We used this alley as a shortcut. We make a left turn here and we will arrive to the park in no time." Chase explained. "Cool." She replied.

In the meantime at the lookout Zuma came back after dropping Ella at the train station. There they met up with Tuck and the cat pack and started talking with each other. After a little while Al also arrived with his truck and so the twins left with him and the Wild and his gang left to go home. As Zuma parked his vehicle Rocky approached him. "Hey dude! You're back so soon?" He asked. "Yeah dude. Al came a few minutes after we arrived." Zuma responded. "Did you tell her?" Rocky asked. "No. I don't know how to." Zuma lowered his head. "Come on now! Don't be ashamed. I'm yet to ask Liberty out as well. This is nothing." Rocky said putting his paw on his friend's shoulder. "If you don't mind me barging into your conversation I'm also yet to tell Everest about my feelings." Marshall said from a distance. The two pups didn't realize they were so close to Marshall and Snowball. "Oh, Marshall! Sorry. Didn't see you there." Rocky said. "No problem. So we all have love interests I see." Marshall pointed out. "Everyone but Rubble." Zuma corrected him. "Isn't he in love with food tho?" Rocky said jokingly making all 3 burst out laughing. "Anyway I'm curious if Chase will tell Skye that he loves her." Marshall said wiping the tears of joy from his eyes. "Aren't they already a couple? I mean they agreed to raise the little dude over here." Zuma asked sitting down next to the like wolf. "Well Chase never really rizzed up Skye. He planned to confess his feelings to her in the park. But I don't know. He is not the one who is open about his feelings." Marshall explained. "It's okay. He will do it. You hear that little dude?! You are going to have Chase as your daddy." Zuma patted Snowball on his back smiling. "Yeah." Snowball let out. "Can he say anything else yet Marshall?" Rocky asked. "We are working on it but he is a fast learner. You'll see when they come back." Marshall said. "Bet." Zuma said.

Back with Chase and Skye, the two walked side by side in silence. Skye felt awkward so she decided to start a conversation with Chase. "May I ask you something?" She asked. "You just did." Chase replied then chuckled a bit. "Sure you can." He gave his actual answer. "What do you think about Snowball?" She asked. "I like him. Even as a child he is holding his own. That's responsible. But I need to teach him discipline so he won't turn rogue." Chase explained. "He needs love. But I agree with you. A bit of discipline is also needed." Skye said. "I'll let the love part to you." This statement made her stop. "What do you mean by that?" She asked. "I'm not good with feelings Skye. You know it." Chase turned towards her. "Why? What happened? Ever since Ryder made you 2nd in command you became so secretive about your feelings. I can't remember the last time I saw you truly happy." Skye stated interrogating him. "Please drop the subject." Chase asked her. "But I'm curious. I can remember you were not like this before. I want that Chase back." Skye continued pressing. "Please." Chase replied. "I saw that you can show happiness and tenderness towards me but there used to be no expectations. I want to know. Chase for your and Snowball's well being I need to..." she wanted to continue her argument but got cut off by her teammate. "I can't handle being in such high position!" Chase yelled out making Skye take steps back. She was not expecting the outburst but also the tears in the Shepherd's eyes. "Chase..." Skye whispered. "Ever since Ryder asked me to be the 2nd in command I started to train myself so I can be the ideal leader. But I ended up in a rabbit hole. I told myself that a good leader has the full respect of the team and is always on top of the situation. Then I let you guys get captured by Harold because I was not on top of things." He continued while sitting down. Skye walked up to him and sat down with him. "I never forgot this. And I have never forgiven myself. I promised myself to be on guard and on top of things all the time. Even if it means being serious and less fun to be around. But I can't do this anymore. You made me reach my limit." He finished. Skye was left speechless. Her heart broke as she gazed into her friend's eyes. She felt bad for pushing him too far so to comfort him she put her forehead on his. "I never knew you had such a burden on your shoulders. I should've never pushed you. I'm sorry." She said. "I could let go this much around you because...I love you." Chase said. "What? You love me?" Skye asked shocked taking a step back. "Yes." He replied in a soft tone. "This was not how I wanted to tell you. I look pathetic right now." Chase said. "You really thought I didn't notice you had fallen in love with me?" She asked. "What?" Chase asked back. "I noticed how you look at me. I wanted to hear you say it." She said getting close to his ear. "I love you too." She whispered then kissed him. After a few moments they stopped and Skye whipped the tears from the Shepherd's eyes. "Promise me you will talk to Ryder about how you feel about your position. Also please don't bury your feelings. We respect you and love you for who you really are." Skye asked him. Chase pulled her into a hug. "I will. I love you." He whispered. "Me too." She whispered back.

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