Chapter 13: How To Hunt

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While Tracker went back to the others Everest and Snowball were still there talking. "So what do we do now?" Snowball asked. After a few moments of silence his stomach started growling. "We will take care of this." Everest said pointing at his stomach. "I would like that." He said giggling. They stood up and entered the forest. "You see wolves usually hunt in packs. You being alone is a disadvantage. This means your diet will have to shift towards animals you can kill alone." Everest explained. "I see." Snowball answered. "Rabbits, Birds, Beavers your choice but don't try anything bigger. The straight in numbers is the strategy in wolf packs. Alone you need to hunt whatever you can beat alone." She repeated herself. Snowball nodded just then a rabbit came out from behind a tree. Snowball licked his lips but Everest motioned him to wait. "Remember last time? You ended up chasing a rabbit for a while before you could eat it." She said. Snowball tried to keep it together and not just rushing to get the rabbit. "Approach it from a hiding spot. Keep it quiet and jump it when it expects it the least." Everest said. With that they hid behind a tree. The bunny oblivious of what is happening continued his way on the path. As he was close to the two Snowball was starting to lose his patience and with that he jumped onto the rabbit pinning him down. With a fast move he tired to bite his head off, but as the rabbit was moving around he escaped Snowball's grip and dodged the bite. Snowball tried again but the bunny run between his legs dodging the next bite and escaping him. "Damn it!" Snowball yelled. "You should have waited a few more moments. You could have cracked his neck with the landing." Everest said. Snowball turned towards her and growled at her ready to attack her. "You wanna do the same to me as you did to Chase? Or Skye?" She asked not phased. Snowball snapped back to reality hearing his mother's name. "I-I'm sorry. I don't know what came to me." He apologized. "You are hungry and hunger changes you." She said. Snowball looked down disappointed in himself. Everest walked next to him and put a paw on his back. "Care to try again?" She asked. Snowball lifted his head and nodded. "Then let's try something slower." She said.

Half an hour later they arrived near an owl nest. "What do we do here?" The wolf asked. "You see, birds have predators too. Now look there." She said pointing to a small owl landing on the ground. She then pointed up towards and eagle circling over it. "When it tries to get the owl you jump in and bite into the eagle. Now have patience." She said backing away. There was a few seconds of waiting but the bird launched into action. The eagle descended with high speed. Our wolf was waiting for his time and his patience paid off as the eagle reached an altitude of only a few feet above the ground Snowball jumped into and biting into its prey's neck snapping it. The owl got scared and flew away back into its nest. "Good job Snowball." Everest said walking up to him. "Thanks." Snowball said before he started feasting. She laid down waiting him to finish. After a few minutes he did and laid down with her. "I forgot to ask if you wanted some. Sorry." He apologized. "Don't worry. A meal is waiting for me home." She said. They laid there for a few moments in silence before Everest broke it. "You helped your mother right now. You know that right?" She asked. "What?" He asked. "You see. Your mother is small and likes to fly. This makes her prey for eagles. Because of that she was terrified of them all her life 'till she bit one back in Barkingberg." She explained. Snowball looked at her in shock. "She did?" He asked. "She did. I saw it. Your mother is awesome, but still, she remains prey for these birds." She said. "Then I shall be their bane of existence and keep the skies safe for her." He said determined. "Just don't forget to have some variety in your diet. You don't want to mess with the balance of nature." She said. "Of course not but I want to keep her safe. Even if I caused her pain." Snowball said lovering his head and tears forming in his eyes. Everest put her paw on his and lifted his head with the other one. "You need to stop blaming yourself. She is going to be fine and forgive you." Everest assured him. Snowball smiled and cleared his eyes. "Thank you Everest." He said laying in for a kiss but Everest denied. "I'm already taken Snowball. Don't even think about that. But I accept a hug." She said. Snowball sighed and ended up hugging her. "We will talk about this later. I want to teach you how to love a female properly but first you need to learn how to feed yourself. Keep this up and hunt when hungry. I'm going to leave you now. We will meet at the lake next week." She said. Snowball nodded. "Let's meet at the lake." Everest proposed. Snowball once again nodded. She was about to leave when she remembered one more thing. "Before I forget. You remember the bear that killed your parents?" She asked. "How can I forget?" He said a bit agitated. "If you meet him, please for the sake of Skye, don't try to fight him. You stand no chance." She warned him. "For her sake. But if I ever get a chance for revenge, I'm going to take it." He said with a serious look on his face. She nodded and said goodbye to him and left the scene.

Later she arrived home with Jake waiting for her. She and her owner hugged as she entered the cabin. "Glad you're okay." He said. "Sorry to make you worry about me. I had to turn my pup tag off so we wouldn't get distracted." She apologized. "You really think you can tame him?" He asked. "Tame him? No. Teach him to be a wolf. I have no doubt." She said.

Back in Adventure Bay Skye and Chase were resting inside the clinic. "How do you feel?" Skye asked her mate. "The painkillers are doing their job. But I hope I'm going to make a fast recovery." He said. "How about you?" Chase asked. "I miss Snowball." She said starting to cry. "Hey now. It's okay. He is in good paws." Chase said nuzzling her. "But what happens when his training is done? Will he come back?" She asked. Chase kissed her to calm her down. From the outside a wolf was looking inside the room from a window. The window was covered with blinds but the shadows got painted on the fabric. Snowball looked at the image of his adoptive parents shaking a kiss let out a sigh. "Good night mother. Good night father." He let out and with that he walked back to the woods.

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