Chapter 9: One Year Later the True Problems Arrive

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One year later things have changed. Every girl had a boyfriend and they were happy. Tracker ended up retiring because his health was declining. It turned out he got a disease that ended up halving his stamina, his agility worsened and his immune system overall weakened. Now he lives in the town with Carlos who brought an apartment.

After a year Snowball grew two times the size of Chase and as he grew disrespectful towards him. The two had arranged every day for a while now with Snowball refusing to listen nor do what he asks and today the time had come for another argument. The now teen wolf played tug of war with Rubble. He was holding back to make things fair but once he got lost in the fun he stopped holding back and started dragging harder and harder to the point he made Rubble fly five yards. "Rubble!" Snowball yelled. Rubble landed and cried out in pain. The yelling made everyone pull up. "What happened?" Ryder asked. "I'm sorry I dragged the rope to hard and made him fly." Snowball apologized. "You okay dude?" Zuma asked Rubble. "I'm fine. My paw feels stiff though." The bulldog said. "I'm so sorry Rubble." "It's okay I just need Marshall's help." Rubble limped away with Marshall. Chase turned to Snowball and he saw that. "What?" Snowball said. "You couldn't hold back didn't you? You had to go all out." Chase said. "Oh shut up Chase. I apologized. What else did you want from me?" Snowball said. "Excuse you? You need to show some respect young man." Chase said visibly angry. "Sure. I can bit the brakes off you if I want to. Honestly I don't know why are you still in charge." The wolf said turning his back to Chase. "Hey. Have some respect for Chase. He was there with you since you were smaller than me." Skye intervened. "Moooom." Snowball let out. The Cockapoo give him a serious look. The wolf sighted in defeat. "I'm sorry Chase." Snowball said. "It's fine. All I want is you to be safe to be around." Chase said. Snowball nodded and went to his spot and laid down and took a nap. "He is out of control." Chase said to Skye. "Don't be like Everest. All he needs is more emotions and less discipline." Skye said. "I don't think that's what he needs." Chase replied. "Oh Chase. I thought you finally opened up." Skye said disappointed. "And I did. But when raising a child you need to command respect. And he also needs to be disciplined. Even more since he is going to be my successor." Chase said nuzzling his girlfriend. "Wait what?" Skye asked confused. "I thought of giving up the title once he gets old enough. And I want him to replace me." Chase explained. "I see." Skye said. "I love you." Chase said hugging her. "I love you too." Skye replied.

Later that day the Ruff Ruff Pack was causing trouble in the town. Their objective was to steal the cotton candy machine from Mr. Porter. The Paw Patrol was called to resolve the issue. Chase was tasked with stopping them while the others had to lead them towards him. "Come on Gasket keep up." Hubcap said. "Big words from the one who is sitting in the passenger seat." Gasket replied. "Come on guys. Don't argue." Dwayne intervened. Just then Chase launched his net and made the three fall off the bikes. The machine flew away but Ryder caught it. "Good job pups." Ryder said. "You guys never learn do you?" Chase asked retracting the net. The villain trio took advantage of the opportunity and tried to run away. This ended up not working because they ran into Snowball who by his sheer size intimidated them stopping them in their tracks. "Who is this?" Dwayne asked trembling in fear. This fear being was shared between the three and they sat down knowing this was the best thing they could do. "Oh he is Snowball. My son." Skye said. "Congratulations." Gasket let out. "Can we go please?" Dwayne asked almost in tears of fear. "Let them go Snowball." Chase said. The wolf looked at them menacingly and brought his face closer to them. The three were scared for their lives then Snowball let out a chuckle and stepped aside. "This is the first and last time I'm letting you go." "Thank you!" Hubcap said and the gang ran away. "Why do we let the villains get away again?" Snowball asked doubting the effectiveness of their workflow. "They are not bad people. At least not all of them. We let them go because there is no real reason why we should keep them locked up." Ryder explained. "I don't know. I feel like locking them in Jail would be effective." Snowball said. "And how do you want to send three pups into jail?" Rocky asked. "Good point." Snowball said. "Okay pups let's go home." Ryder ordered. Skye turned on her helicopter's engine and took off from the ground then let the harness down that ended up being used for Snowball. Even how much Snowball tried he failed every time he tried to get a drivers license so this was the only way he could be transported when on a mission.

After returning to the lookout the team put their gear down and prepared to play a game of hide and seek. Snowball declined the offer since there are limited options for him to hide and he could find them easily even with the sock on his nose. Not only that but today he realized that he outgrew his friends. There is nobody he can play with without holding back. Chase saw his sadness as Snowball laid down on his favorite spot. Skye walked next to Chase also noticing what Chase did. "I trained him using my emotionless side." Chase said. "You finally understand what I was telling you. It's been so long since he saw your emotional side. He needs to know we are here for him and we love him." Skye said sitting down. "I'll go talk with him. This time the way I was supposed to." Chase said looking at Skye with a smile which she returned. Chase walked up to the wolf who sensed his presence. "Can I help you?" Snowball said looking at him. "I think you are the one who needs help." Chase said. Snowball jumped on his paws at the reply and growled at him. "What do you mean by that?" Snowball asked. The others saw this interaction and got ready to jump in if needed. "Calm down Snowball. I'm talking about your feelings. You need help with your feelings. I saw that." Chase said. Snowball laid back down now calmer. "You may be right. I feel like I don't belong here." Snowball said. Chase laid down next to him and asked: "Why is that?" Snowball let out a sigh. "I can't play with nobody because I'm a danger to them. Look what I did to Rubble. He is my best friend and I hurt him." Snowball explained holding back tears. "I always told you to hold back. Maybe that's just the way you are and we are the ones who should adjust to you." Chase said. "I'm a danger to you all. I just can't help myself. My instincts are too strong." He said. "Hey. We may not know how a wolf works, but I know that you would never hurt us." Chase smiled and the wolf smiled back hugging him. "So do you wanna play with us?" Chase asked. "Let's go." Snowball said.

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