Chapter One

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Forgive me if things don't strictly follow the plot line, the plot moves fast, or translations are lost.

"You're seriously sending me back to 141?" You asked your head commander incredulously. "You said I'd never have to deal with those asshats again. You know I can't stand him."

"And things change, they need you and your canines where they're stationed. Already lost one of their best members to a planted bomb, I'm not letting it happed again. I built that troop after all." He grunted back at you, not bothering to look up at you from his desk filled with paperwork.

You rolled your eyes and scoffed, "I'm not the only canine trainer with bomb detection dogs. Send someone else." You spat with venom tainted by year almost fear of the past.

This was a mistake, you knew it before the words left your lips, yet your anger simmering in you boiled over into uncaring sloppiness. Your commanders fist was what you expected and took against your cheek, swallowing the blood in your mouth as you didn't dare spit on his floor. You looked back at him, not bothering to give him the satisfaction of holding your cheek despite the immediate throbbing.

"You told me this job would be my last, that my dogs and I could retire. I did everything you asked." You almost plead.

"And you want out why?" He asks, sitting behind his desk once more. "Because your birthday is next week and turning 25 means finding your soulmate? God forbid more than one?" He leaned toward you with sadistic malice in his eyes. "I don't give a fuck about your happiness, what I built is more important and you are government property until the day you die or I say otherwise." He picks up a pen and back to his paperwork. "Dismissed private."


Being a canine private officer came with a perk of at least having your own room, safety for the other soldiers should the dogs perceive them as a threat as they're trained in protection as well. And at least the military let you take a flight with your dogs so they weren't under the plane because fuck that.
You looked to your two dogs asleep on the floor, one a German Shepherd, the other a Doberman. Onyx and Link. You had trained many before them but these two were yours, the ones you refused to part with and demanded to be kept at your side. Never had seen a more loyal pair. One thing your asshole commander actually allowed.

You were allowed to be the first off the plane, people staring as you went. Your bag would be sent directly to your room at your new, well old-new, base. You dreaded only really seeing one man. You two had been together on 141 two years ago on a based mission that lasted three years and God damn if he didn't like to pull rank on you every chance he got and make you prove yourself worthy because you had a vagina. It was only the last year that he finally laid off more but never missed a chance to get under your skin. There were a few guys you had missed that you hoped would still be there, so there was that at least.

The ride in the back of the van with some recruit sent off to pick up the newbie, no doubt because no one else wanted to, was silent despite his attempts to chat. After pulling up at the base, you stretched your legs and jumped out, your canines following obediently behind. You began making your way to the main office area to get your quarters assignment.

"Suchen." You direct your dogs to search the front entrance area, walking a bit behind them as they expertly split off in two directions.

They returned without signaling and you made your way to pick up your files, with them your room location and a small list of areas to be searched with your assignments and times for them to be completed. You were grateful that you didn't pass anyone you knew on your way to your room, ignoring the stares from the men you didn't recognize. You heaved a sigh of relief once you saw that your large military duffel made it to your destination. Then, after feeding your dogs, you decided to shower the airport off of you, lathering your tattooed arms with the soap you made sure was in your bag. Needed a little sense of reminder of your time outside this place so you stashed it in your bag before leaving, the scent enveloping you with little comfort.

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