Chapter Nine

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"Boys, boys, boys. No need to be hasty about this, Soap and I can explain and then we can all go back to bed and forget-"

"Absolutely not!" Price and Ghost both yelled.

You shrugged at Johnny, still held up in the air by Konig as Ghost held him. "Worth a shot."

Price sighed heavily, "Sinner, Soap. My office at 0700 hours. Neither of you will be late or there will be severe consequences." And with that, he turned out the door, leaving no room for an argument.

"What the fuck is on my face?" 


König carried you to their room like a child, Ghost following behind you two, even though you couldn't hear him, you could feel his presence always surrounding you. The sun had yet to grace the horizon and the few measly hours of sleep you had were catching up to you, yet you would need to be front and center in the Captain's office first thing in less than three of them.

König gently placed you on the bed, stepping back and looking down at you as he did so, his hood was back on now and he adorned a matching fitted black athletic shirt and gray sweats with Ghost. How cute. Only the desk lamp was lit, softly illuminating them, their shadows casting over you as they crossed their arms simultaneously.

Ghost's eyes narrowed behind his mask and you could practically feel his anger as he stared down at you from his spot next to König. They made you feel small in a way you didn't appreciate at this moment as you leaned back on your palms against their sheets, waiting for one of them to make the first move. 

"You left us." Ghost spat, the venom in his tone even surprising König with how much anger it held as he snapped his head toward the lieutenant. 

You scoffed, "I left you? That's fucking rich." You rolled your eyes, looking away from his intense stare as he stepped toward you and you kept your eyes on the suddenly very interesting bookshelf in the room filled with war tactic volumes.

"Don't fucking start that shit, you fucking left us, and after what happened to you last night-"

You sprung up from the bed, meeting Ghost halfway in his stalk to you and putting your face in his as you looked up at him with a sneer. "What happened last night is nothing compared to what's been happening to me the last two years, Ghost." You shoved into his chest, and he annoyingly didn't even budge. "You have no right to get mad at me for leaving for an hour, I was on fucking base and I am a grown-ass adult who can do whatever the fuck she wants. I've been doing it just fine without you since I left here."

You could see his chest rising and falling quicker, his fists clenching at his sides, he was afraid when he woke up without you but he would never be able to speak that thought, so he was manifesting it the only way he knew how. Turning himself into an angry control freak. He would be absolutely damned if anything ever happened to you again and if that meant losing himself in the process of keeping you safe then so be it.

"And look where that got you, frozen in a bathroom like a child and not the damn good soldier I know you are!"

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