Chapter Two

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"Shh!" You whispered to the giant sitting on the floor next to you, both your backs against the bed as he had an arm around you and was showing you some of the photos he had from the years you were gone, only some he mailed you copies of when he had the time. "You're going to get us caught!" You stifled a laugh as König's boomed with echoes in your room, your dogs fast asleep in their crates at this late hour.

It had been nearly exactly a week since you'd been stationed here. You caught up with your friends, mainly König, Soap, Gaz, Price, and Alejandro and you avoided Ghost like a plague and he seemed to be doing the exact same which you're fine with. You know that the prick probably already memorized your schedule so he could avoid you at all costs, which was a new tactic for him, maybe the years changed him into less of a dick but you doubted it.

König had snuck into your room after lights out, wanting to stay until at least midnight so he could wish you happy birthday at the exact hour, you were almost shocked he even remembered.

"Das würde ich nie vergessen, kleine Taube [I'd never forget, little dove]."

Is all he said before inviting himself in with snacks he stole from the mess hall, claiming his rank gives him perks. And so you to sat there, talking and laughing about old times and making new memories. His arm around you allowed you to cuddle into his side, his size enveloping you like a protective essence that had calmed you more than anyone's touch ever could. You popped part of a candy in his mouth, under his hood, something he would never dare let anyone else but one besides you do. His trust for you was endless.

"Getting up at five is going to suck," you said as you looked up at him after noticing it was 11:52 pm, you yawned and snuggled a little into his side, inhaling the scent only König had that offered you a sense of comfort, like nothing could happen to either of you if you were together.

He pulled you in tighter, "It's day of break for you tomorrow, no? Sleep in, maus." He pulled you to him in response to your snuggle. "You deserve all the nice things."

"I won't be able to sleep in anyway, it's like conditioned into me at this point to be up at that time."

"If I stay, that'll help you sleep? It used to." He commented, reminding you of the few times he snuck into your room when he was having trouble with his anxious thoughts after a mission. You invited him to your room once and let his head lay on your lap, he fell asleep almost instantly and you not long after. From then on, there were occasions where you two would need each other and he would find his way back to your bed once more. Nothing more than cuddling ever happened and nor was it implied between the two of you, you both just brought a feeling of serenity and peace to the other that was unmatched.

Before you could even reply, your door was kicked open and you had to hush your dogs as they barked at the sudden entrance. Ghost stood there, for some reason still in his full uniform despite the time, arms crossed as he leaned on the frame looking down at you two. Ghost took note of you two in your sleep clothes, you in your sleep shirt and some shorts, his eyes trailed over the tattoo of a deviled creature taking up your entire lower leg. He thought how that must have been done since you left him and he laughed inside at the choice of it, reminding him of your call sign. König looked equally comfy in a fitted black shirt and gray sweats. König tensed and you huffed in annoyance as Ghost decided to waltz in the room now, kicking the door shut behind him.

"Well, don't you two look cozy." He stated as he sat on your desk and leaned back on his palms.

"Your voice is like a cheese grater on my ear drums, get out of my room, Lt." For some reason, you were the only person who ever got away with talking to him like that, it was almost as if he liked hearing you gripe at him.

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