Chapter Twelve

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"You what!?" Ghost growled, grabbing your arm to haul you to a stop at the bottom of the stairs, glaring down at you as his breath heaved in his chest while you dared look at him without a care in the world. 

You smiled up at him sweetly, exaggeratedly batting your eyelashes as you placed a hand on his masked cheek and relished how he practically instantly melted into your touch. His face pushed into your hand with a nuzzle, his gaze softening as he looked down at you, a soft curse on his lips as he knew as well as you did that he was putty for you at the smallest of any soft touch you gave him.

"C'mon, Si. Bombs about to go off, remember? The last place we want to stand around and talk about anything is right here underneath it."

A slight shift in the air behind Simon grabbed your attention, your hand at your side to grab your knife before he could even register the noise and turn to the sound. Your expertly trained fingers flicked your knife just over Ghost's shoulder, lodging itself straight into the eye of the enemy that approached Ghost with a gun trained on your mate's head.

"Damn. I was trying to avoid getting brain matter on that knife. It was my favorite."

Ghost turned to look at the now dead man on the floor before looking back at you, "I see your aim hasn't faltered since you've been gone. And don't fret love. I'll get you a new one." His voice was low, rough. 

The gravel that shifted through his tone sent shivers down your spine, his gaze that never left yours made you swallow the lump growing in your throat that sent heat pooled between your legs. "God damn it, if you don't move right now, I'm going to jump you like a fucking tree and take you right here, rolling around in all this blood I spilled to get to you," You stood on your tip toes, letting your lips just barely grace his, "Love." 

Without a warning, Ghost gripped your hips in a firm yet gentle manner as he picked you up and brought you to his chest, your legs automatically wrapping around him as your arms gripped his shoulders for support. He began walking you two toward the exit and out the door, leaving the area further and further behind. You watched the building get smaller and smaller, letting Ghost hold you as you clung tightly to him, enjoying the way he felt wrapped up in you.

"That filthy mouth of yours is going to get you into a lot more trouble than you're going to be able to handle from me, baby." His masked mouth nipped your earlobe as he hummed in your ear.

You laughed, adjusting yourself so you could get a better look over his shoulder and down at his ass. "You're right, we should wait for König. I miss being in between you two." Hell. What you wouldn't give right now to be the straps of his tactical gear that gripped his upper thighs followed by his hips.

Ghost groaned at the thought of you in the middle of him and König, having to keep a level of concentration he's never had before as he attempted to keep his hard-on down as much as possible, the friction of his cargo pants not helping the situation so he tries to adjust his strides.

Before a reply could be formed on either of your lips, the bomb you had rigged had finally reached the end of its timer, sending a large blast through the area as pieces of building and flame flew towards you two. Ghost hit the floor immediately, one hand on the back of your head as he covered his body with yours. Your own instincts took over as you wrapped one hand around the back of his neck and the other his head, despite him wearing a helmet that could deflect more damage than your flesh possibly could.

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