Chapter Four

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Just like you had predicted, your body had conditioned you to wake up at the ungodly hour of just after five in the morning. Your room was pitch black, just the way you needed it to be when you were sleeping. You tugged up the thin military blanket to cover yourself more, desperate to at least get at least another thirty minutes before you needed to get up and seize the day of your birth.

However, when you tugged the blanket, it didn't budge. You tightened your eyes more in annoyance, wondering why the world was tormenting you with a blanket caught on something in your bed, giving another tug. The blanket magically laid itself on top of you and you sighed in contempt, snuggling into the warmth closer before your brain registered a chuckle.

Your eyes shot wide open and you turned, staring face to face with a very large, very in your bed cuddled up to you, shirtless man. Your instincts kicked in and you wrapped your legs around the man's waist, attempting to flip him over with your arm going for a chokehold around their neck. Your attack was futile though, seeing as he easily anticipated this and then moved nearly quicker than you could register to pin you back to the bed. His tree trunk legs pinned you down on either side of your hips while you're hands were pushed into the bed, engulfed under his.

"You sleep heavy after exercising your release, Schatz." König released one of your hands, placing his palm against your cheek. "You're usually such a light sleeper, it was nice to see you so relaxed, mein Liebster [my dear one]."

"König," You breathed out, copying his movements to touch his unmasked face as you traced a scar on his lower lip that jutted out slightly. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"

His movements ceased your speaking as he used the grip his thighs had on you to whip you both to the side, tugging your front to his chest as he pulled you in for a cuddle. You laughed, nuzzling your nose along his jawline.

"Much better. Don't be sorry, Mein Liebling. I should want you to react that way to anyone in your bed besides I or Ghost." He placed a kiss on your temple.

How strange it was, for this to feel so natural so fast for the both of you. And yet, why should it be strange to be tangled in the arms of someone you've spent nights with before? Especially when you were fated to belong to each other.

You groan at the memory of how you escaped last night, tucking yourself even further into König's naked chest, his muscles enveloping you into him tighter.

"God, speaking of him, where is he?" You dared ask.

König turned in the bed once more, the queen-sized mattress forcing his feet to hang off the edge, he pulled you to lay on his chest while he was on his back so he could face you better. Your legs dangled between his, your palms absent-mindedly tracing his chest, feeling his flexing muscles under your skin as electricity buzzed between your skin and his.

"He left about an hour ago, he stayed to watch over you. You were asleep by the time we made it back here."

That left a strange feeling in your chest, knowing Ghost bothered to stay once you two came back, even after you made your thoughts of him more than clear. He obviously couldn't fit in the bed too, so you figured he must have sat in the chair next to your desk. You didn't want to dwell on the thoughts of Ghost's actions, you never could figure out why he did what he did.

Even before you were mated, he always seemed to have tabs on you. Everywhere you went, Ghost was there, like he knew before you did that you were heading there. You always figured it was because he knew you hated him and wanted to push your buttons as far as he could go. You shook your head, trying to disperse the thoughts of the man who left you and focused on the man under you.

"Do you want to help me get ready?" You asked, tracing the shape of the face you rarely were blessed to see, trying to commit every shape, curve, and scar to memory before the hood was back on.

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