Chapter Seven- The Results

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It has been four days since the doctor's appointment. Peeta has been working and I have been sitting at home impatiently. I haven't had any nightmares since the one in the hospital and the little girl. However, the girl still appeared in my dreams. It was in a better way though. I've been happy in my dreams.

I am sitting on the couch when the phone rings. I get up and walk over to it. The caller I.D. says it's the doctor's office. Finally. I press the answer button.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Hello this is Doctor Collins. Is this Katniss?"

"Yes. Hi."

"Hello Miss Everdeen I am calling to tell you that we have your results."

"Really? You do? What are they?"

"Ms. Everdeen, I think I should tell you in person. We have a few things to set up and go over so when are you available to come in?"

I get a little nervous inside. What could he possibly mean by saying that we have things to set up and go over.

"Is tomorrow okay?" I ask.

"Yes tomorrow would be perfect. What time?"

"Twelve o'clock would be good."

"Okay sounds good. See you tomorrow, Ms. Everdeen."

"Okay thank you. Bye." I say and hang up the phone.

• • •

"Have a good day of work honey." I say as Peeta walks out the door. I didn't tell Peeta about the appointment I have today with the doctor. I don't want him to come with me.

After I am sure Peeta is gone, I grab my coat and head out the door. I get into the car and ten minutes later, I am at the doctor's office.

I get out and walk in.

"Katniss Everdeen." I tell the lady at the front desk.

"Ah yes. Katniss. The doctor has been waiting for you. I think he's in his office. You can just head straight down that hall and it's the last door on your left."

I nod. "Okay thank you." I say and start walking down the hall. When I get to the last door on my left, I give it a small knock. A few seconds later, the doctor answers.

"Hello Katniss. Come on in and have a seat." He says and pulls out a chair and gestures me to sit on it.

I sit down and Dr. Collins hands me a sheet of paper.

"Okay Miss Everdeen." The doctor says as he sits down. "As you can see on the sheet of paper I gave you, there are two different graphs. The top one shows an average hormonal balance in a women. The bottom graph shows your hormonal balance that the blood and urine test revealed. It's way more higher than average."

"So what does that mean?" I ask.

"Well, based on the symptoms you gave us, the feeling that your abdomen was pretty bloated, the fact that you recently had sexual intercourse, and the fact that your last period was really light, you're pregnant."

He says it so fast and quickly I barely catch the word. "I'm sorry what?" I ask just to be sure I heard him right.

"You're pregnant. Congratulations." He says and smiles.

I suddenly feel really dizzy. No this can't be real. No no no. I can't be pregnant this has to be some mistake. There was no mistake though. The pieces all came together. The sickness, the vivid dreams, the headaches, the way the muffins tasted weird, the tiredness. It all made sense now. I am definitely pregnant.

"Are you okay Miss Everdeen?" I look at him for a second.

"I'm fine." I say and look back down.

"You're about six weeks. From now on, you'll have to come in for an appointment every two weeks to check on things and you'll be able to get your first ultrasound when you're around twelve weeks. So when are you available to come next?"

"Is two weeks from today at one o'clock fine?" I am honestly in too much of a shock to think before I speak right now.

"Yeah that would be fine. Here are some packets and books and other things about your pregnancy." He says as he hands me a bag. "And you are set for today. See you in two weeks and once again, congratulations." He says.

"Thank you." I say and grab the bag as I hold back my tears and I leave the office.

By the time I get home, the tears are flowing down my face like a river. I slam the door behind me and I let myself loose it.


I tried to think back to my biology lesson on how this stuff works but I couldn't remember so any information on this is probably false. I like adding detail to my stories and I was gonna have the doctor explain all those hormones and shit like other doctors probably do but whatever.

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