Chapter Twenty Eight- Real or Not Real?

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I spent hours crying, the image of the lifeless thing in my hands, the pain was gone but I could still feel it. A long time had passed before I start to hear something. It was Peeta's voice.
"Katniss wake up! It's just a dream it's not real!" I hear him saying loudly. My surroundings start to disappear and suddenly, I'm in Peeta's arms, crying. My hand goes straight to my abdomen.
"T-the... The baby." I sob.
"The baby's okay. It was just a dream I promise you. Whatever you saw wasn't real." Peeta says.
"I saw blood.. Our baby.. It was real, Peeta!" I cry and look and the sheets, expecting to the pool of blood but instead, I see nothing. Just the whiteness of the sheets. Could all that really have been just a dream?
"No, Katniss trust me. I was right next to you all night. Nothing happened to our baby."
"It... It was dead." I whisper and sit back. "I-it felt so real." I choke and start to sob.
"I know, I know.. But I promise you it was a dream. It was not real."
"I-I need to make sure."
"We're almost home. You need to see the doctor anyway. They'll show us that the baby is still alive and well." Peeta says, reassuringly.
I nod a little, still crying, images from the nightmare replaying in my mind. My hand didn't leave my stomach for the rest of the night.
"Katniss." A nurse calls.
I get up from my chair in the waiting room and take Peeta's hand. The nurse leads us to a room, were she weighs me before she has me sit on the table.
"So how has everything been so far?" The nurse asks.
"Okay.." I say quietly. "I'm just.. I've just been worried... I've been having dreams about losing the baby.. I can't stop worrying."
"That's completely normal." She says as she checks my blood pressure and heart beat. "Many first time moms especially fear this and dreams become more vivid during pregnancy." She says before she finishes. "Dr. Collins will be in shortly to reassure you that everything is fine."
I nod and the nurse leaves. I wait nervously, holding Peeta's hand tightly, unable to say a word. After a few minutes, someone knocks on the door and comes in. It was doctor Collins.
"Hello, Miss Everdeen how has everything been so far?" He says.
I shrug a little and look down. "Okay I guess. The nurse said everything I've been experiencing is normal." I say quietly.
"Yes you are correct; the morning sickness will be expected to die out soon, it rarely goes into the third trimester, everything else will eventually go back to normal once the baby is born, it's all in your hormones right now, worrying is normal. Believe me, I've had plenty of women experience dreams similar to yours."
"Okay... B-but it felt so real. C-can we please check? I-I need to be sure."
"Of course. We will do that right now." He says before lifting my shirt and squirting the cold gel on my abdomen and pressing the probe against me. He moves it around and soon enough, the image pops up.
I can't believe my eyes at first. The shape of the baby just forming, it looked more like a little alien. I can't help but tear up. I can't believe that that's my baby, and Peeta's. It didn't feel real. I can't believe it. That tiny little alien baby is growing inside me.
"There's your baby." The doctor says. "There's its little head, arms, torso, legs." He says as he points. "Beautiful isn't it?"
I nod and look at Peeta. He was smiling, absolutely speechless. After a few moments he looks at me, his eyes filled with joy. "That's our baby. Real or not real?" I smile a little. "Real." I say.
The doctor cleans off my stomach and Peeta helps me off the table before hugging me tightly. "I love you so much, honey, I love you both so so much." I smile and hide my face into him. "We love you too." I whisper.
He pulls away and takes the photos of the baby the doctor printed for us and the video of the ultrasound.
"You're next appointment will be in exactly four weeks from today at noon if that works for you?"
I nod.
"Okay. And by then, you will also be able to find out the gender if you would like?"
I shrug a little. "We'll think about it. Thank you."
The doctor nods. "See you in four weeks."
"Bye." I said and we leave. We are taken home, thankfully, I was getting very homesick.
The rest of the night consists of Peeta and me watching the video over and over again and cooing over the pictures. I have never been happier.
Voting time: Should Katniss and Peeta wait to find out the gender or find out at the next appointment? Comment what you think.

Hey guys long time no see. I'm sorry it took me so long to update. School really worn me out but in mostly done. I just have my chemistry exam Tuesday and I'm free. So yes, a lot has happened since I updated, I did find out that I will be getting a niece who is actually due any day now and I am so excited I can't stand it. We did have a scare in April where my sister went into preterm labor at 28 weeks and I seriously thought that my niece was gonna come then but here we are at 38 weeks and my niece is still in the oven. I'm surprised she stayed in this long. Thank you to those who prayed with me. It did make a huge difference. I also got my first job which cliche cliche it's at McDonald's but whatever. It's the only place that actually bothered to call me for an interview and money is money. It's gross as hell though and I would avoid getting a job there if you can help it. I'm leaving the first chance I get. Also, I got accepted to go to France in Marche with school. I'm so excited. I have never set foot outside America and to get to go to France? It's definitely going to be a wonderful experience. Also okay, who saw the trailer? OMG I actually can't contain my excitement I cried omg. I really can't wait for part 2 but then again I can. It's a want but scared kinda thing. I'm just so done though because of the trailer.
Also, keep an eye out for my new fanfic Ever After. Chapter 1 should be out soon.
So yeah I think that's all I have to say. Thanks for reading. :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2015 ⏰

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