Chapter Nineteen- Forget It

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"Did you just say you almost had an abortion?" Peeta asks.

"P-Peeta I.. I..." I start and look down, tears falling down my cheek.

"Save it." Peeta says and starts to walk away.

"Peeta wait." I say and run to him and grab his arm.

He shakes his arm off. "If you wanted an abortion you should've just told me."

"Peeta please just listen to me." I cry.

He sighs. "Fine."

"I love this baby. I really do. I love this baby so much that I wanted him or her to not have to suffer. Because life sucks and then you die. So what's the point? To bring an innocent baby into this world and take care of it when it's already hard enough to take care of myself? I'm still trying to forget everything that has happened. I still get nightmares. You still get flashbacks. One day he or she will be old enough to wonder why these things happened. He or she will ask us and we'll have to lie until they're old enough to hear and handle the truth. Those thoughts scared me. But the thought of seeing your face if you were to find out what happened. I also know that I would kill something before it even got a chance. I would've killed an innocent life. Just like those lives lost in the hunger games and the rebellion. Just like... Her. Peeta I wouldn't be able to live like that. I'm responsible for taking enough innocent lives. I didn't want to be responsible for taking one more especially knowing that I made it. I just wouldn't be able to live like that." I say, tears rushing down my face.

Peeta just looks at me, his eyes shiny as if tears where about to flow out of them and he then pulls me into a hug. I bury my face into his chest as I sob. "Shh Katniss please don't cry. I'm sorry okay."

"You have nothing to apologize for. I should be saying I'm sorry. I almost killed our baby. I'm sorry I'm really sorry I wasn't thinking. I was just scared. I didn't know what to do. I'm sorry I'm so so sorry." I say, into his chest.

"It's okay Katniss look at me." He says, and unwraps a his arms and lifts my head up out of his chest then wipes away my tears. "It's okay. Everything's okay. I'm here for you. Every step of the way. I'll always be here for you. Everything is gonna be okay. We'll make it through this. Together. Because you and I are a team and now we're going to have a child. I know the thought is scary. I know you're scared, lost, and confused but it's going to be okay. Just think, in nine months, we'll be able to hold an adorable little boy or girl. And we'll be able to call them our own. Doesn't that sound nice?"

I shrug and think about it. Holding my baby for the first time. Their innocent face with beautiful eyes, hopefully blue like Peeta's, looking up at me. Their tiny hand wrapped around my finger as he or she tries to take in their surroundings and figure out who I am. The thought does sound nice. "I-I guess.." I say quietly. "Just please don't leave me. I'm gonna need you these next few months more than ever."

"Of course I'll be here. I won't leave you. Whether you're puking, or wanting me to make you some odd type of food, or shouting at me for no reason. I won't leave you. I promise."

I smile slightly and wipe away my remaining tears. "Thank you." I say in a soft, quiet voice and plant a quick kiss on his lips before I turn to Cinna. "I'm sorry you had to see that little moment."

"Don't it's okay." He says, and stands up.

"You'll be here for me right?" I ask.

"Of course I will. We'll all be here for you." He says and pulls me into a hug.


Hey guys sorry for no cliffhanger I didn't know what else to write. So anyway five more votes and I'll update ASAP. Sorry for not updating sooner, with school and everything it's just hard. So anyway personal life time. It's just basically been school stuff. The other day, my English teacher told us she's moving to Tennessee in January and that kinda mad me sad. I kinda thought she was a good English teacher. She said she was going to write a book since she wouldn't have a job and said she was gonna be the next Suzanne Collins. I'll believe it when I see it. That'd be cool though if she wrote a book and it really did get that popular. How cool would it be to say that your tenth grade English teacher wrote that book that's now super popular and is being made into a movie. That'd be awesome. Anyway that's it. Anyway don't forget to comment, vote, and follow. I follow back. Kay bye.

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