Chapter Fourteen- He's Alive

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"I'm still betting on you." Those are the first words he says to me.

I blink my eyes a few times and pinch myself to be sure I'm not dreaming. This was no dream though. He was actually in front of me. "Cinna? Is that really you?" I ask, a tear falls in the process. This can't be real. He's been dead for over five years.

"Yes. It is me." He says in that same voice he's always had. He was thin now though. Much more thin.

I run up and hug him, sobbing into his chest. "No this can't... You're dead. I watched you get beaten to death."

"No. I mean of course it looked like it. It's hard to explain. Can I come in?" He asks. I nod.

"Go wait on the couch. I'll be right in there." I say and Cinna nods and walks into the living room.

I then run into the kitchen, turn on the sink and splash cold water on my face. After that, I take some leftover cookies Peeta made a few days ago, place them on a tray along with two cups of tea and then bring them into the living room. I walk over the couch and place them on the coffee table and then sit down.

"How?" I ask Cinna.

"Well I didn't really die. It looked like I was beaten to death which I basically was. I nearly died. I was thrown into a prison cell, they gave me two weeks to heal and if I wasn't healed in two weeks, they were gonna kill me. I would have rather been dead at that point but I kept holding on. In those two weeks, a guard slipped me medicine that helped me heal. He was caught eventually and they killed him. I begged them to kill me too but they refused. I was severely tortured though. I was tortured everyday in some of the most inhumane ways possible. I was put to work also. Doing dirty work for the Capitol. Just like the districts. I was only fed one meal every other day. The meal consisted of old soup and stale bread. I was freed once the rebellion was over. Thanks to you."

I am sitting there, terrified of the words he just said to me. Tears where rolling down my face. "B-but the rebellion has been over for five years now. You let me think you were dead for that long?" I say in a soft and shaky voice.

"Katniss, I'm sorry, I would have came sooner but when they found me, I was pretty bad. I wanted to wait until I was fully recovered until I saw you. I wasn't fully recovered for a while and then I wanted to wait."

"Oh." I mutter. "I'm sorry, for everything. All that happened to you because of me. I'm sorry."

"Katniss don't. Stop crying and don't blame yourself. Everything that happened wasn't your fault, it was Snow's." He says and then hugs me.

I just nod. I didn't want to argue. The important thing was that he was alive.

"How about we lighten the mood." He says and pulls away, lifting my chin up with his finger and wiping away my tears with his sleeve. "How's your life? Has anything happened since the rebellion ended?"

I shrug. "Okay I guess and nothing really." I think about my baby. I should tell him but I figure it can wait. I didn't want to talk about anything right now.

Right after I said that the door opens.

"Katniss?! I'm home!" Peeta calls out and walks into the living room. When he walks in, his expression was just as shocked as I was. "Cinna?"


Okay and that's where I'm ending this. I'm not sure if I want to make this chapter official yet I kinda just wrote this chapter because I couldn't bare Cinna's death. This was my original plan so no one really won my contest. I'm gonna let you people decide. If you like this chapter and want me to make it official type 'keep it' in the comments. If you don't want it to be an official chapter, type 'no' in the comments. If no one wants me to keep it, then I'll just write some unoriginal chapter with Gale or something in it. I'm also gonna try and start a new rule. Every chapter I write from this point on must get at least five likes/votes whatever you wanna call it, before I update again. So anyway I apologize for not updating much. I'm busier this summer then I thought I'd be. Last week, I got elbowed in my face by my flyer in Cheerleading and needed stitches. It wasn't fun. I'm going camping next week. Not like you people care. Lets talk about the trailer OMG IT WAS SO PERF lol it was funny because my mom came home from work and I was on the couch literally sobbing my eyes out and now she wants to me find me help. Lol well I guess that's all I have to say so yeah don't forget to vote comment and follow. I follow back so yeah bye.

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