Chapter Sixteen- Sister

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"Yay!" I smile and hug him.

After that, Peeta makes dinner and we sit in the dining room and eat. Peeta and I told Cinna about what happened after he supposedly died. I told him about the arena and how a few of us were rescued and how the others were captured and tortured. I told him about District Thirteen and then I told him about Peeta, but Peeta seemed a little uncomfortable when I talked about it as did I so I didn't get into much detail. I told him about the rebellion. I got up until Prim's death when I had to stop. I walked out of the dining room with tears streaming down my face. Peeta had to excuse himself and come and cheer me up. I told him I'd be fine and he should go back to Cinna. I just needed time to myself.

I find myself on the back patio. I wanted to go into the woods but I know that would be rude and Peeta probably wouldn't approve of me going into the woods now that he knows about the baby. I look up at the sky. The sun was just starting to set. It was absolutely beautiful. Sometimes I would go into the woods and watch the sunset from the lake. I brought Peeta once and he painted it. The painting
is now hanging in our room. It's a beautiful painting.

I suddenly hear footsteps behind me. I turn my head and I see Cinna standing there.

"Hi." He say and walks over to me.

"Hi." I mutter and look down.

"Look, I know how you feel. About losing a sister. I never told anyone about this but, I had a sister."

I look up at him. "You did?"

He nods. "I did. We were twins actually. We were very close. Like you and Prim. We did everything together. We talked about how we would be stylists in the games together. We would share ideas. We had great ideas for each district. We had one design we liked best for each district that we were gonna use our first year. I really liked what we had designed for District Four but she really like our idea for District Twelve. She came up with the idea of lighting the tributes on fire. I really wanted to have District Four my first year but I knew that probably wasn't going to happen but she said if I wanted four, she would go along with me and try as best as we can to get it. But then, when we turned twelve, she became sick. At first, they said it was just a bug and there was nothing to worry about but she just got worse. They discovered she was infected with some unknown bacteria, they said it was a bacteria developed in her body and it mutated. And the more they tried to get rid of it, the worse it got. So they stopped trying to help it and see what would happen. It just continued to get worse but at a slower rate. We knew she was gonna die. I remember the day she died. She told me that she was sick and tired of fighting and she couldn't take it anymore. And then, just like that, she was gone. She died right in front of my eyes. And then I made it my goal to get District Twelve, for my sister. And I made sure I'd made the outfit she dreamed of. She would've been so happy if she was still alive."

I look up at Cinna and a tear falls from my eye. "I'm sorry, Cinna. I really am."

"Don't it's okay." He says and hugs me.

"I know how you feel about having your sister die in front of you. I wish Prim was here. I could really use her now."

"It's gonna be okay, Katniss I promise. Prim wouldn't want you to act like this."

I nod. If only Cinna knew the whole story. I didn't tell him about the baby yet. I'm not sure if I can. My anxiety just gets worse about it. I am terrified that something will happen to him or her that I can't do anything about. Just like what happened with Cinna's sister. I wouldn't be able to live if something like that happened to my son or daughter. It'd kill me. I honestly just don't know what to do anymore.


Yay guys I updated. My iPad is finally fixed. Hallelujah. So I've been thinking, I might just make this into one book. I was thinking about making three sequels after this but I think it'd be better if it was just one book. I'm probably changing the name to The Mellark Family. So if anyone can make me a cover with that title, I'll dedicate a chapter to you. Message me for details. So anyway omfg its Jen's birthday today she's 23 omg I can't my bby is growing up. Lol even though she's 8 years older than me. So guys I might not update for a while idk I'm going to Syracuse on Saturday for my dad's work picnic and then on Sunday, I'm going to a bridal shower then on Monday I'm going to cheer camp in Pennsylvania and won't be back till Thursday and I'll have to not see city of bones the day it comes out. Then on Friday I'm seeing City of Bones with my friend and then I'm going to see my friend who lives an hour away from me, I'm sleeping over her house. So yeah I'm so busy but I'll try to update ASAP. Okay so don't forget to like, comment, and follow. K bye <3

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