𝖲𝗁𝖾 𝗐𝖺𝗌𝗇'𝗍 𝗌𝗁𝗒 𝗅𝗂𝗄𝖾 𝗈𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗋 𝗀𝗂𝗋𝗅𝗌 𝗐𝖾𝗋𝖾.

94 3 6

5 𝒋𝒖𝒍𝒚,2007

~Girls woke up early today,Fiona was up at 7 am and she was trying to wake Lorana,she decided to take a shower and dry her hair so that's sound will make Lorana wake up,then she got up too,and started making some braids on her hair,she wanted to wear a dress today which wasn't very tight but still not too big,it was a black dress,and it had glitters all over,she wore it and come back to the room.

Lorana's POV:
Fiona:Omgg you look so pretty girl
Me:omg thank you so muchhh,btw what are you gonna wear?
Fiona:uhmm...some shorts with a baggy t-shirt orrrr a light green dress....
Me:wear the dress so we will match
Fiona:I wanna match with Bill,but Idk what he's gonna wear...ughhhh
Me:girl it's not such a big deal,go wear the dress,if he would want to match he will do it......
(Fiona went to wear the dress and I went to the balcony,I was taking some pictures when I heard Bill speak)
Bill:You're a photographer too?
Me:oww no I just do it for fun,not in a proffesional way....how are you btw,did you like the hotel?
Bill:I'm great,and yeah I liked my room the most,Tom's room is not that pretty tbh hahahahhahahaa
(He said that and laughed,i laughed bc his laugh made me do it,but then I heard someone speak)
X:you guys laugh like your rooms are more better huh? Hahahahahhaahhaa...
Bill:well I have to say that Lorana and Fiona's room has the best balcony,Lorana this is Tom,his the guitarist in my band....
Tom:Hiii Lorana
(He said while waving at me cuz the my balcony was far from them,I waved back and smiled,he said my name so good,I'm trippin I guess.....)

~𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒖𝒓𝒈𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒓 𝒉𝒊𝒎 𝒔𝒂𝒚 𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒏𝒂𝒎𝒆 𝒘𝒂𝒔 𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒗𝒆~

Tom:I like the dress,I think it suits your body so much
(He said while staring at my body,I blushed and sat on my chair so he wouldn't be able to stare at me anymore in that way,I kinda liked his vibe)
Me:thank you,Fiona is also wearing a dress....
Bill:really,I can't wait to see her on it,what colour btw?
Me:let's leave it as a suprise
Tom:uuuuuu Hahahahahahah,looks like Bill is curious about somethinggg
Bill:no I'm not don't say that like thattt Tom
X:Tommmmm,where are you
Tom:ouuuu shittt
(A girl with a towel covering her body came out of Tom's room,she came and hugged him by behind,they looked.........cute together)

Tom:heyyyy,you slept good?
X:yeahhh just because of youuu
Tom:ofc,so uhm we have the concert today so we have to practice in my room,i guess you wouldn't be disrespected if I want you out of my room righttt....honeyy?
(He sounds like he liked her,but it kinda was a liking which was shattered by each seconds passing,she looked at him and noded,she went back to his room abd I was still staring at Tom,he turned to me and catched me staring,I blushed and break the eye contact)
Me:so uhmm Bill,I think I have to go,byeee
Bill:byee Loranaaa
Fiona:omg Bill why are you hereee,do you like my dresss??
Bill:hiii Fiona,yeahh I think that's a cute dress
Tom: and a cute colour too
(He said while hitting playfully Bill with his arnm,Bill blushed and stared back at him)
Bill:your girl is calling go to herrrr Tommm
Fiona:you didn't met Lorana,Tom?
Tom:yeah I did,I thinkk sh......
X:Toooommm come help mee,get things ready on my baggg
Tom:uhm be right back
Fiona:are you Bill excited for the concerttt
Bill:yeah omg...I think this summer will be so much fun filled with so much energy....

-that was right,this summer was different and  I was so ready to live my life to the fullest...I went back to my room and put the camera on my bag and went back to them....
Me:Fiona Cmon we have to go
Bill:wait for us guys,we can take the same lift...as always
Fiona:why nott rightt??Be right back
(She went to curl her eyelashes and do some blush,I find it cute how they tryna imoress each other...)
Fiona:Cmon Anaaa,hurryyy
(She grabbed my arm and we was running to get to the lift....)
Fiona:omggg I forgot ny purseee,Ana please get it for me please so I can wait for Bill here,I don't wanna see him leaving without meeee pleaseee
Me:okayyyyy....I was walking to my room when I heard a girl yelling,she sounds like she was arguing with someone,I looked at the door and it was 483,it was Tom's room,I hope they don't break up)

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