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Yeosang stayed with me for two weeks. He didn't leave the apartment. He stayed in bed. He slept a lot, watched a lot of movies and videos, and he would just watch me. I did go rob some places on my own. It felt weird. It felt boring. It was annoying. It felt like it was now a job without him. I hated feeling like this about it.

Walking down the street. Not setting off the alarms this past month and a half because Yeosang hasn't gone out. I felt like it wouldn't be fair for me to be having fun without him. I also don't want to risk it. I wouldn't want to get him in trouble either, but I know with him we would be able to get away.

Opening the door. I glared out the window. It was raining. "Im so done with this damn rain!" I dropped my bag.

Yeosang walked out of my room with a towel. He kissed me. "Come on take your clothes off. I got the shower ready for you." He gave me another kiss.

"Thank you." I smiled. Just seeing him made me feel better.

Hongjoong came out of his room. He was staring at his phone as he typed. He walked over to the kitchen. "Don't get naked just yet please." He said. He went into the fridge. Took out a bottle of water and walked back to his. "Ok, now you can." He shut the door.

I shook my head. Taking my clothing off. Yeosang took them to the washer. I quickly went to the bathroom. Taking a quick shower and flopping onto my bed. Yeosang pulled me and laid my head down on his lap.

"You tired?" He ran his fingers through my hair. This felt so nice.

"Yeah. Kind of." I rolled over. Staring up at him. I moved his hair back.

"What place did you rob this time?"

"I went to two places actually. A pawn shop because why not and another jewelry store." I then sat up. "But I also got this." I went over to the living room and grabbed my bag. Coming back. "I also went to the plush store and got you this. Don't worry I left some money for it."

I handed him a plushy.

He smiled at me. He hugged it. "You didn't have to."

"But I wanted to." I took his hand. Pulling him over and giving him a kiss. Kissing all over his face to get giggles from him.

He sat on my lap as he looked at his new plushy.

"Thank you." He placed it down and wrapped his arms around my neck. "Thank you so much Seonghwa."

"Anything for you."

We didn't do anything. We just cuddled and talked. It felt nice. Really nice. We haven't done this in what felt like forever. We did get a bit handsy with each other but we didn't go too far into anything. We made out and that was kind of it.

Going to sleep around twelve.

"...ngie... Seongie..." I woke up to Yeosang calling me. "Seongie..." It sounded like whines.

I wasn't fully awake. "Sangie? What is it?"

"Seonghwa... Please..."

I opened my eyes and Yeosang was sitting on top of me. His sweater was unzipped. He moved his hips.

"Yeosang what's..." He leaned down and kissed me. He was eager. Really eager.

He pulled away. "Seonghwa..." He sat back up and he pulled me up too. "Seonghwa..."

"Yeosang. What's going on?" He wrapped his arms around my neck. He pushed himself down onto me. I placed my hands on his hips.

"Seonghwa touch me please." He whined.

I feel fully awake now. "Are you sure? Are you still in any pain?" He shook his head. "Ok."

He quickly connected our lips again. He opened his mouth. I suck my tongue in and swirling our tongues together.

Precious - SeongSangWhere stories live. Discover now