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I didn't expect him to be here. I really didn't.

"Yeah ok." I took it from him and walked back inside. Setting it on the coffee table. Jongho and Yunho instantly started fighting for it.

"Oh, shit!" Wooyoung said. He barely popped his head over the couch to see. "Hongjoong is here!" He tried to whisper but it came out too loud. "Shit, sorry was that loud?"

Everyone turned to Hongjoong.

"Oh, so the traitor is..." I covered Yeosang's mouth.

"Ok, you need to calm down." I turned to Hongjoong. "So you're here now?"

"I was busy."

"SEE!" Mingi and San said.

"With my comeback for the first two months, I didn't respond to anyone but I'm sorry for the three months after."

"You see." They smiled nervously.

"Can you guys shut it? Seonghwa can we talk in private?"

"Why would you want to talk in private?" I had to yank Yeosang back. "You started saying shit in front of all of us. Why do you want to talk in private now?"

"Yeosang, calm down."

"Seonghwa, we've been over this. You don't need him."

"Yeosang..." "He is the one who left."

"Yeosang, stop." I sat him down.

I walked to the door grabbing Hongjoong on the way out. "You want to talk in private, then we will."

We stayed quiet as we walked out of the building. It was strangely quiet between us. It was so uncomfortably quiet.

Getting outside we just sat on the curb.

"Yeosang! Go back inside!" I turned and looked up. Only able to see the top of Yeosang's head. He popped up and pouted be went back in. I sighed. "Now you can talk."

He nodded. "I still stand by what I said about the you know what."

"I don't disagree with you but I needed to do what was needed to keep him safe."

"Yeah, I understand that but you didn't seem like..."

"You're the one who called me a serial killer and said that nobody wants to be friends with an outlaw. You made it clear that you wanted to stop being friends."

"I didn't say I wanted to stop being friends."

"Well, you fucken acted like it. Completely dropping me for five months! You ignored my calls and texts. None of my calls or texts went through."

"I was just thinking."

"You blocked me."

"I needed to think on my own of what I thought about it, ok? I didn't need you distracting me or having you make me become biased about it.

It's true I was busy for the first two months but the other three months I was thinking and if San and Mingi told you some other shit, I swear I didn't tell them to say anything.

I'm sorry for just completely leaving you like that. It's just hard for me to think about how you were just so ruthless about it. I do understand you were angry at the time but it still doesn't mean that it was ok."

"I know."


"You don't really know how fucked I felt after a couple of days when it finally sank in. I had to quickly get over it because it was to keep Yeosang safe.

They could have hurt not only Yeosang but Yunho, Wooyoung, and Jongho as well.

It was one of the only things to do. Wooyoung said that they have tried putting his family in jail but they have connections and it never worked and it wasn't going to work."

"The police may not know it was you, they were still going to look for the person who did it. They are going to hunt you down until you are in prison."

"As long as Yeosang is safe, I don't give a shit about what happens to me."

"You know if you get caught and he doesn't he is going to feel like complete shit. He is going to be feeling alone even if we stay with him. He will blame himself."

He's right but he can live on his own. Take care of himself but he relies on me so much. He is always by my side. What will happen if I'm just suddenly gone?

"I don't want him to blame himself again."


"When I was still living with you, the night we came home early. I had that concussion and Yeosang was crying. We had gotten caught but Yeosang was able to get us out. He said we were just stupid teens at the wrong place at the wrong time.

It also helped because the other guys who had also been caught at the same place as us had jumped him a couple of weeks prior. They had all of Yeosang's stuff on them.

Mingi picked us up. We didn't tell you because I didn't want to hear it."

"You're a fucken idiot you know that?"

"Of course I do."

"It's not that you're stupid, you just do a lot of dumb things."

"I know I fucked up my life but I've said it before I did shit for you!"

"I seriously didn't ask you to!"

"I knew I was going to fuck shit up anyways so might as well start early and make it so I can help my best friend get what he wants." I dropped my head into my hands. "I was so willing to throw everything away for you to have a comfortable life.

I know you're parents are assholes. That's why I gave you so much money for you to move into an apartment.

And then my parents threw me out and I moved in with you. I continued to steal for you. I didn't want you to worry about anything and just get things done.

I was going to quit stealing when you were really settled in and everything was fine. I don't know what I was going to do but I was going to quit."

"But what happened?"

"I met Yeosang."


"Yeah. I felt this weird instant attraction to him and I just needed to see him. I needed to get to know him. So I continued and I don't regret it."

"I understand but going as far as to burn down a house for him?"

"It was just his family. They deserved it." I rolled my eyes. "What would you do if you found out Jongho was getting abused and harassed by other people?"

He sighed. "I wouldn't resort to murder."

"I didn't resort to murder. I burned down their house and it just happened to be that there were people inside."

That might have not been true. I think I knew they were inside and just resorted to murder and I don't regret it.

He laughed. "You're so stupid."

"Yeah. Really stupid."

He grabbed me and pulled me into a hug. "Don't you do that shit again."

I was shocked. He had never hugged me. He isn't the type to hug.

I hugged him back but he put my arms down. This fucken little shit.

"No, don't touch me. I give hugs, I don't receive them." He said.

"You little fucken shit." I smirked and hugged him away.

"NOOO! Don't touch me!" He tried to get away. He pushed my face away.

I let him go. "But if you seriously leave me like that again, I'm dropping your ass."

Precious - SeongSangWhere stories live. Discover now