Episode 9: Yui's Ballgown!

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Warning!! Long chapter ahead! Multi POV changes ahead.

Lunaria Pov:

I plopped down beside Yui on the sofa and sighed. I was completely tired.

Yui and I had decided to go dress shopping with the money Reiji had "oh so graciously" given to us. We'd gone to forty dress shops in four hours and frankly I didn't even want to think about anything to do with the ball.

"I see that you were unsuccessful.." The sound of Reiji's voice penetrated the silence in the sitting as he walked in.

With his ever present "I'm better than you" aura fluctuating as he pushed his glasses up his nose he smirked lightly. "Too bad. It seems that you won't be attending the ball."

"Reiji..." I huffed. "We're going to that ball."

"Without a gown? Don't make me laugh."

"We'll find the perfect dresses, and if we don't we'll just make them."

"And that's your final decision?"

"It is."

"I see..." Letting his sentence trail Reiji pulled his phone from his pocket, unlocked it, dialed a number, and put the ringing device to his ear.

"Hi Desmond, I'm calling to cash in my favor." He spoke before pausing.

"Yes, I have two girls here that are in need of  dresses for the ball."

"Of course, when are you free?"

"Perfect, what time?"

"I'll make sure that they're here. Thank you."

"Yes. Bye."

As Reiji ended the call I looked on curiously. He wasn't one to take private phone calls in front of other people, so whatever he was talking about had something to do with us. ((A/N: Yes Luna, because he needs dresses for two girls for himself... -.-))

"I managed to call in a favor from a good friend of mine. He's a dress designer who'll be coming to fit you two tomorrow at noon. You two will be up, ready, and waiting in the studio at exactly noon. I will not have either of you being late."

Yui gasped. "Really?! Thank you Reiji!"

I snorted. "What do you want in return."

He smirked and pushed his glasses up once more. "You'll find out later."

He then turned and promptly walked away.

I huffed. I hated agreeing to deals without knowing what I'd have to give up when I entered them, especially when it came to Reiji. That vampire was sneaky and his aura practically announced it whenever he came into a room.

"Can you believe that Reiji would do something so nice?!" Yui shouted as she clapped happily.

Resisting the urge to hold my ears in discomfort I began to speak in an extremely blunt tone of voice. "No, because he wouldn't do something that nice without wanting something in return."

Yui nodded slowly. "Yeah, you're right."

Mentally smacking my head at her stupidity I sighed. "I'm going to bed."

"It's only four in the evening!"

"I know, but I'm tired and I've been up since four this morning, I think I'm allowed to sleep."

Without waiting for her reply I stood and walked to my room.

Once inside I changed and went to bed. I was completely serious about needing some sleep.

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